Monday, 30 September 2019

Festivals; The Time to Celebrate Love!

To all my family, friends and relatives I wish you a happy Navratri. It's time to blow and share happiness all around us. Children are excited about having new clothes whereas parents are a bit stressed due to over expenses of the children and family, just kidding 😆😅. Most of the people get together to celebrate this auspicious occasion and for some, it's time to miss their family and friends. For a few, it's even the time to miss their motherland. This blog is going to be a bit different, specially dedicated to those who are away from home and missing the feeling of the biggest festival of Hindus. Let's get started, shall we?

It's really difficult to be away from home on this auspicious occasion. It is not that easy to celebrate the festival without family and relatives around you. But if you can't do anything on this why to worry about? You are there for a cause. You are there for a reason. And you are the reason behind the smiley faces in the family. It is not that they don't miss you, they miss you more than you miss them. But for your happiness, they hide their sadness so that you won't feel low. Make sure you won't let them down. Your feelings can be expressed and felt. Video calls are helping you to connect with your family and friends no matter how far you are from them. Technologies give you the opportunity to see your loved ones celebrating. It's a great feeling, isn't it?

I would love to share some of the experiences of my friends and relatives how they feel being away from home on this auspicious occasion. They say that they don't find any good vibes of the festivals. They don't feel the incense in the environment there. Some miss their grandparents, some say there is no festive feel as they are busy with their work, college. And one of them mentioned that the most irritating thing is when they see posts related to festivals in social media and they can do nothing about it except missing their family and complaining about their fate. And the funniest one was one of my dearest friends told me that he has no excitement for the festivals. It feels like the usual day.

Life abroad is not as easy as we think. It's full of obstacles which might not be physical sometimes, but are mental and mental obstacles are enough to make you homesick. And being homesick is really disastrous at these auspicious occasions. Lucky are those who were abroad and are able to be at home in these days. I can't say someone is unlucky as they choose that life or I can say the situation makes them be there. It's okay to be away from home for the happiness of your people. It is what matters the most, the smile of the face of the people that mean the world to you.

Internet is playing a vital role in connecting the families on such occasions. Yeah, you may not be with them physically but you can have visual feels. The visual presence is much more effective than the absence. But what I have seen is people being nearby or within a city makes excuses for not attending the festival. This problem is increasing and the relationships are not being valued. Adults are ignoring their parents on the name of work, jobs and the parents who sacrificed their lives are just hoping to see them and celebrate this precious moment together. They have made the festivals just another event of their life.

Festivals are for connecting people not to separate. Stay connected. You and your family are directly proportional to each other. One is not complete in the absence of others. You need your people and they need you too. Feel the importance of family. Wish you have a wonderful time together. 
Family, friends, relatives who are away from home may God bless you with lots of love and happiness. Don't feel low, you are there for a purpose and make sure you fulfill the purpose. Stay happy, stay blessed.

Monday, 23 September 2019


Changes are always good for a person. It's always good for a person to change their friend circle, change their behavior, change their thoughts, change the way they live, change a place, change a job, and many more changes. These things are really great for a person. Let me explain it by putting a question to you. Why do you change your circle, behavior, thoughts, jobs and all, just because you want something better or you are not happy with your present friend circle i.e. they don't let you grow or something like that, your behavior is not good or not letting you be 100% productive, you are not satisfied with your current job, you might be living with the past which is not letting you get anywhere that's why you should change the way you live and changing yourself in these things will surely make you happy and these changes will be great for you.

You must have experienced that when you try to change someone for some reason, you just end up losing that person or ruining your time i.e. changes are good, but when you expect someone else to change for some reason, you are just wasting your time on those people because changing someone for some good reasons is quite good, but they won't change until and unless they don't feel to change. You might always have a good intention for changing someone, but you never know how that person perceives it. I really have a few bad experiences where I was trying to change someone for their good, but end up being hated by them. Again back to college life i.e. back to Dehradun The City of Love. It was the time of my bachelors 2nd year. As I lived in the hostel, there were juniors who had just completed their 12th and had just joined college and hostel. At this phase, they are at the top of their growth stage. There were few juniors being diverted from their way and were being engaged in the wrong track. Not only juniors but few of my friends were too being engaged in the wrong track. Seeing them going on the wrong track, I literally tried for more than a limit to change them, but as I have mentioned above one won't change until and unless he/she don't feel to change. After a half year, I get to know that they hate me for changing them. I never had any bad intention on changing them, being a friend, a senior. I just want them to be on the right track that's it but I never knew how they perceive it and end up being hated. But I am glad to be hated as it taught me a lesson. Everything that happens to you may be a good thing or a bad thing is there to teach you a lesson. If something good happens it means you are happy, it is there to teach you how can you deal with a situation when you have everything and also how can you make a promise or take a decision i.e. there is a quote which says never make a promise or take a decision when you are happy and excited as you are not in your conscious state. And similarly, when something bad happens, it's there to teach you how you can admit your mistake and learn from it instead of being hurt or sad.
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."   (- Mahatma Gandhi) 
This is something which everyone should adopt or feel personally and then the world can be a better place. If you want to see the world clean, don't throw anything around, keep your surroundings clean, if you want to see peace in the world, bring peace within yourself first and you will feel peace everywhere. If you want to bring a change in the world or someone, first bring that change in yourself. Changes are great all the time. If something is bothering you or you are not satisfied with something, go for a change, don't fear the outcome of that change. The outcome will be surely in your favor but don't go for negative changes i.e. if you are not happy with life, don't go for suicide or don't get addicted to anything wrong Go for positive changes i.e. find some good friends, communicate with your loved ones, give yourself time and to understand situation, find a counselor if it's too difficult or consult your parents, siblings, friends and the final outcome will be great and in your favor.

"Changes are necessary and good. If something is disturbing you, go for a positive change always. Life will always be a better thing after a positive change." 
Good day ahead. Blessings.          

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Why Only Me????

Most of them who shares some of their problems and issues to me always come up with a question, "WHY ONLY ME?" Why only me here means why should I only suffer, why should I only be hurt, why should I always be cheated, why should I always be unlucky, why should I always fail, and many more such why only me, questions. It is obvious for someone who has been cheated twice or thrice, or for someone who has been hurt all the time, and also for someone who has failed all the time to say Why only me?  But let me tell you that every next individual to you is almost having the same problem. And the difference between you and them is they are capable of hiding it inside their heart but you are unable to do so, also they have understood that they are not only the one who is suffering or the one who is hurt or unlucky or failed or cheated and so on.

I genuinely appreciate the ones who come up to me and pour their heart out. It's not that easy to share problems and issues to a stranger guy or a person whom you met online or a friend i.e. just a friend it might be a schoolmate, a college mate or an online friend. I am grateful to each one of you who trusted me and shared their problems and issues. I appreciate you for not keeping things inside your heart and hurt yourself. You feel better and relief whenever you share it to someone whom you trust. Those who feel lonely and want someone to talk, to share sorrows and problem, you can text me or mail me anytime you wanted.

Let's come back, I said every next individual to you is almost having the same problem, because those who come up to me to share their problems are someone whom you know very well, so every next individual to you is almost having the same problem. This might seem to be unrealistic but once look around you, you will find a lot of similar people having the same problem as you have. And the best part of someone is they know very well that there are others having the same problem and they realized it is not only them, but it is also almost everyone around them. And they also realized that everyone has or should go through this phase so that they learn new experiences and new things. Let me share a few experiences of myself as well as some of my friends who came up to share things.

Most of you might be thinking and also almost every time I have heard people saying that it's very easy to say things but it's really hard for someone who really suffers it or who have gone through it? But what if I tell you that I had also gone through this, what if I tell you that I have also suffered, hurt, cheated, unlucky, or failed? I also had the same question Why only me? at some point in time. I also believed that it was really hard to get off it, but then something positive hit my mind and everything changed. I just started to learn from my new experience and now I appreciate instead of regretting that moment which helped me to bring such good change in life. Literally, everyone who once had Why only me? question is happy to be blessed with such a phase in their life as it has brought some positive change and a great blessing in their life. It only seems to be the most difficult or the hardest thing to overcome at that moment or your question Why only me? always all the time make you feel low and lonely, but when you come out of it you will see a new change and better things waiting for you. If you always have a good time, then how can you even learn and experience new things? And everyone believes that this is the only thing what they have and was the only way to live life, but literally, after coming out of this phase and when you are blessed with what you truly deserve, you just laugh at yourself thinking how stupid you were.

You are not only the one. Life is much more than this and new opportunities and blessings that you truly own are waiting for you. Come out of this trauma, and try to learn from this.
Stay Positive. Communicate your problems and issues to your loved ones and you are not lonely, there are people to listen to you. Have a great time ahead.              


Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Nature's Call.

"You & me will come and go, but Cauvery must continue to flow". 
                                                                                                           -Sadhguru (Jaggi Vasudev)

These are the recent words given by Sadhguru an Indian yogi, mystic, and author. He is one of the most admirable people all over the world. He is one of my inspiration as well. Currently, he is doing a campaign "Cauvery Calling". This project is initiated to revive the river Cauvery because it has depleted 40% in the last 70 years, 87% of the basin’s original tree cover has been lost, the Cauvery is unable to reach the ocean in the summer and another main objective of Cauvery Calling is addressing farmer distress. Cauvery Calling is a campaign to support farmers to plant 242 crore trees and revitalize Cauvery.

Those who know me personally might be curious why I am talking about this topic of a 2nd country. I appreciate your curiosity. I am talking about this because India being a neighbor nation, you must have some idea regarding this campaign and if you have any idea about this, there are many more problems which are harming the environment overall and I don't think we are doing much more to protect it.

A few days back there were videos viral in which animals were being killed and beaten brutally for some unauthentic reasons. And some of us blame them for polluting the environment. But what about us? We, humans, are the main reason behind Global Warming and Environmental Degradation. There are top 5 environmental concerns for 2019 i.e. biodiversity, water, deforestation, pollution and climate change.

Biodiversity: - The variety or variability of life on Earth. It can be plants or animals. Every little thing plays an important role in the maintenance in our world. But with the increase in global warming and pollution, biodiversity is in danger. Billions of plants and animals are vanishing or have been vanished all over the world. As per the reports, some scientists, in fact, are suggesting that we are at the beginning of a 6th mass extinction, posing issues for our planet and ourselves.                  

Water: - Water pollution is a huge problem for us and our environment. We are polluting the water resources with an abundance of plastic waste, oil spills, and toxic chemicals entering our waterways and due to this act of ours, human life, as well as the marine life, is being affected and being killed. More than one billion people lack access to clean water and 2.4 billion don’t have adequate sanitation, putting them at risk of contracting deadly diseases.

Deforestation: - We need trees and plants for survival. For everything oxygen, food, water, and medicine, we need forest all over the world. But due to natural wildfires, the mass amount of timber being harvested for commercial use, illegal logging, forests are decreasing at an alarming rate.

Pollution: - This is the main cause of many of the environmental concerns. All types of pollution air, water, soil, noise, radioactive, light and thermal are affecting us and the environment all over the globe. All types of environmental concerns and pollutions are interrelated and influence each other.

 Climate change: - A change in climate pattern caused by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and the conversion of land for forestry and agriculture. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, these human influences on the climate system have increased substantially. 

These were the top 5 environmental concerns for the year 2019. Everything having a problem has some solution, some of the measures which can be used to prevent these are: -
  • First and the foremost thing is to be aware of the consequences of global warming and environmental degradation. In India, Sadhguru was aware of the consequences of the Cauvery, so he began a Cauvery Calling campaign. I also don't mean someone big personality should be aware of the consequences of global warming and environmental degradation and should begin some campaign like that. One should be self-aware.
  • After developing such awareness, one should take initiative not to pollute the environment from his/her side. Like not to throw anything in the water resources, not to use old vehicles, not to use excessive plastics, buying recycle and organic products, use of more public transport rather than your own vehicles and many more.
  • Volunteering in any campaign which is being held nearby.
  • Participating in plantation drives and cleanness drives.
  • Switching off electrical items when they are not in use.       

Isn't this our responsibility to protect and preserve the environment for ourselves, our next generation? It's our responsibility to give the same amount of resources to the next generation that we received from our past generation. The actions of humans are the biggest cause of environmental degradation and global warming and as we are always responsible for our actions, this is the time to be more responsible and act wisely as we humans are the only ones who create a problem and are the only ones who can solve it. 

"Every single bottle, Every single plastic matter." If you want to be a change-maker in this environment, change it from yourself, your home. "A change in every one person, everyone home matters".    

Sunday, 15 September 2019


Isn’t it ironic?

We ignore the ones that adore us,
Adore the ones who ignore us.
Love the ones who hurt us,
Hurt the ones that love us.

(F)ight for you.
(R)espect you.
(I)nvolve you.
(E)ncourage you.
(N)eed you.
(D)eserve you.
(S)ave you.
                      -Will Smith

These words of Will Smith are so incredible and inspiring. These words remind me of the time when I used to ignore the ones that adore me, adore the ones who ignore me, love the ones who hurt me and hurt the ones that love me. You might also have experienced the same or some might be experiencing it at present. I apologize for my deeds and wants to express my deepest gratitude to those who adored me, loved me even when I ignored them. A humble request to all my readers, it's better to accept the fact instead of regretting later i.e. it's fine to accept the fact that you ignore the ones that adore you, adore the ones who ignore you. Love the ones who hurt you, hurt the ones that love you, instead of regretting that you committed a mistake for not adoring and loving the ones that adored and loved you.

FRIENDSHIP is not only a bond of mutual affection but its a feeling. Everyone makes friends. Some find them on their childhood, some in school, some in college life and nowadays in social media as well. Lucky are those whose school friends are still connected by the heart. Blessed are those whose childhood friends are still together. College life friends are life changers and finally, those whom you meet in any social media can be a boon or a bane for you. I have a logic behind giving these four places a specific term where you find friends. Let me put this into some examples, or some experiences as always so that the logic behind can be cleared.

Lucky are those whose school friends are still connected by the heart. School life is a time when your maturity is in the developing stage and as you are in the developing stage, you make a lot of commitments which are just a commitment at present for most of you. And many of you might be thinking I am still connected with my school friends in social media, I chat with them once a week, once a month or once in a quarter. But do you really know how are they, what are they doing, what ups and downs they are facing in their life and many more WH questions? Even after being in the developing stage of maturity if you make the compliments come true and are connected by heart rather then social media, you and your friends are lucky.

Blessed are those whose childhood friends are still together. Childhood is the best part of everyone's life. Everyone wishes to go back to their childhood. But let me put a question for you, do you even remember who were your childhood friends? Okay few might have eaten almonds and drunk any health drinks so you might remember your childhood friends but where are they, what they are doing, and similarly as above many more WH questions? If you know where are your childhood friends, what they are up to, literally you both are blessed.

College life friends are life changers. College life is the most amazing phase of one's life. The time when your maturity is developed and now you are able to differentiate what's right or wrong for you, you have a lot of energy that you only commit to things you are going to do. Why I mentioned college life friends are life changers is because they know you better, they know what you need, they are ready to help you whenever you need them, they guide you as a parent, care you as a brother/sister and most importantly treat you as a part of their life (I am not saying childhood and school friends are not doing this all but the ratio of college life friends is high). 

Finally, those whom you meet in any social media. These types of friends are basically short term friends as well as bane but in a few cases, they are long term as well as a boon for you because they might be the most important part of your life, a life changer as well (i.e. first you are friends in social media, then afterward you both are in the same school then the same college). They are short-termed or a bane because they might be close to you for some period of time but due to some misunderstanding, they left you. You both were close to each other and might have a very good bond and trust, but due to some misunderstanding, everything is ruined.

Hope my logic was correct. I consider myself as 50% lucky as I am heartily connected with my few school friendsI am 60-70% blessed to have my childhood friends still together. College life friends are real-life changers. And finally, those whom I met in any social media are 90-95% boon for me (some have literally been an important part of my life). I express my sincere gratitude to each one of you.

I have only mentioned friends instead of true friends or best friends. Don't feel dishearted. You know your importance in my life and how much I admire you. 
"One best book is equal to 100 friends but one good friend is equal to a library." (-Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam). 


Friday, 13 September 2019

Overcome Negative Thoughts

Hello there! hope you are doing well. When I say doing well, it means you are free from all kind of stress, negative thoughts, over assuming and thinking and it means you are totally focused on your work, you are enjoying what you are doing and you are happy for what is happening around you. So, again hope you are doing well.

Negativity is state of mind when you think about bad consequences for your action i.e. for an example, you gave an entrance exam with full preparation, but you are developing negative thoughts such as what if I fail, what if I don't get good result instead of developing positive thoughts like as I have fully prepared and given the exam, I will be selected, I will get good result and more. And any such negative thoughts or just thinking something opposite will ruin your life in such a way that you will be blaming God or your luck for having such life instead of realizing that your negative thoughts lead you there.

I am sharing some experiences and learnings about negativity which helped me to overcome them. Hope these experiences and learnings will help you to overcome your negativity. And as I am not a famous person nor a famous motivational speaker or any famous gurus, but also if you try for once the ways that I helped me to overcome negativity, it can make an impact in your life. From where should I begin. Okay back to college life i.e. back to Dehradun The City of Love. It was the time when I was having the mid-term examination of 4th semester. It was day 2nd, 2nd half and I was having QTM's (Quantitative Techniques of Management) exam. This was the subject which I liked the most and was good at. And when I came back after writing the exam, I was like what the hell I did with the paper. I don't know but I had developed a lot which literally means a lot of negativity that I agreed with my friend's answers doubting my own on the subject which I liked the most and was good at after the discussion. And due to this, my mood was off for a week and I just ruined my next exam. But you won't believe what happened on the day of the result. I scored 20 marks out of 25 and was top 3 scorer in QTM. After seeing the result, I realized that negativity is such a dangerous thing which can ruin anything just in a minute. And also realized that we should never self-doubt on our decisions because it is the first step of ruining ourselves, should never let any negativity enter our subconscious mind and if in case any such negativity starts to develop in our mind, divert it with something positive or do something that you love the most.

I have another experience which helps me to divert any negativity. I never thought of being a blogger or writing something and never thought that I will be sharing my experiences and learnings with you that might help you somewhere. But everything happens for something good. I am grateful to that one friend of mine who helped me to create a blog and helped to write my first ever blog. She will always be the person whom I will admire the most for inspiring me to write.
So let's come back to how I divert any negativity. Whenever any negative thoughts or negativity hits my mind, I just open my laptop or mobile (if I am not accessible to laptop) and I just start typing or I just open a diary and I begin to write. And literally, this is the time when I am able to give my 100% and I am working effectively on my work. This is because I love to write, I love to share and negativity can be diverted by doing something you love. You can also try it. Whenever you start having negative thoughts just start doing something that you love. It will help you divert those negative thoughts.

There are other ways also to overcome negativity. Meditation is the best way one can ever try to overcome negativity. But it is not that easy to meditate even for 5 minutes. It requires a lot of patience a lot of focus and a lot of time. It is not that if you meditate for a day or two, you will be able to overcome the negative thoughts or negativity. It requires a lot of time and patience. If you are able to meditate and had mastered in meditation, you have owned a lot of things. You are able to focus on any particular thing, your breath, and control your mind and your thoughts too. And if you are able to control your mind and thoughts that's enough for you to control your negative thoughts.

Let me summarize how can you overcome the negative thoughts or negativity in short:-

  • Don't ever self-doubt on your decisions. It will only end up ruining your life or a particular moment.
  • You should never let any negativity enter our subconscious mind and if in case any such negativity starts to develop in our mind, divert it with something positive (i.e start thinking something good/start to think opposite of the negative).
  • Doing something which you loved the most at the time when negativity hits you, will literally change the state of your mind and the outcome will be productive.
  • Meditating is the best ever way to overcome any kind of negativity and also meditation is really helpful in one's life. Start doing meditation and feel the change.

If this helps you in any way and you think this can help other people share it with your friends.
Have a life filled with positivity.
And I hope you are doing well 

Thursday, 12 September 2019



We all must have heard the term 'LGBT' but how many of us know about it? It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. You might be wondering (might not) why I am talking about them today as it's not pride day any special occasion for LGBT. This is where the problem is. Why should you or I talk about anything in any special occasion only?? Why can't we talk about anything anywhere anytime? And especially why can't or why don't we talk about LGBT publically or freely in the society and most importantly why don't we give or talk about them with respect? Did they do anything wrong with each one of you in person? 

I am very thankful to my junior who asked me to write about the LGBT community and rights. He mentioned how the LGBT people are treated badly in our society i.e. in our modern and advance society of 21st century. After listening to that sweet boy, I did a small survey where my friend suggested an LGBT who can help me to complete this writing and I am thankful to her as well. Then I had a chat with that LGBT. Literally, they are really cool and I am thankful to him as well for sharing his experiences, the problem they faced being an LGBT and I literally like the way he positively responded. I would like to share his experiences and journey through my words.

Life being an LGBT 

Life of an LGBT is quite the same as a heterosexual but most of them have to face discrimination everywhere, a lot of discrimination everywhere they go. At their adolescence period, they don't have any idea what's going around them and what's happening to them as nowhere no one taught them about the LGBT and related things not even in schools. So after doing a lot of research they finally get to know who they are and know about the LGBT community.
He shared one of his experience where he mentioned that he can be truest in private personal area only, i.e. like with a full face of makeup and dressing in a particular way, there are many people who will support you being gay but they won't accept the fact that you wear full glam makeup and feminine dressing. They set boundaries for you which is not relevant because they being straight they cant dress as the opposite gender but we being gays we can or we are dressing in a certain way the society asks but still there are someday when we want to be the truest form of ourselves and people will still have problem with that. 
This is something which is irrelevant because everyone has their right, right to live the way they are and also the way they dress up. So we can't make a restriction on them. They are also human. 

A lifestyle of an LGBT

Many people think its all about sex, drugs, rock n roll but it is not with many of them. They constantly have a fear of people knowing about them from sources. He personally was very scared every time and he use to have a mental breakdown every week especially from past 2 months because he was so open on Instagram and many people saw him the way he was and most of them accepted  it but there were some people who were not at all okay with him being the way he was.
And while he was in his home town, he was having a normal life, except when he uses to do makeup dress in a certain way just inside his room. And when he is in the city he explored the true himself and people are more accepting it here but still not fully free.
Life of an LGBT is not as easy as they seem to be happy. 

How they are being treated by society?

There are many who accept them and a lot who try to accept them and a lot who don't. There are many elders who support them, who stands for them. There are unexpected people who support them the way they are and vice verse. According to them, at times people giggle on them because of their dress-up and makeups. But they literally don't care about them at the end of the day, because there are a bunch of people supporting them. 
If you are one of who is supporting them, keep going and those who are not supporting them, you don't have any right to judge them or question them on their appearance.

What do their parents think about them?

Some of the parents are really supportive them the way they are and don't give a damn what the society will think and some parents disown their child. They all need real support and support from their loved ones and nothing else matters.
I am literally grateful to those parents who accept them the way they are. Why do you disown your own child?? That was not their fault nor did they do anything wrong. Just they were born as an LGBT doesn't mean they should be disowned. Show them love and respect.

How they treat society?

There are some LGBT's who really treat people in such a wrong way which is giving a very bad look to their whole community. But most of them are good and treat other people with respect.
But the one who treats people in such a wrong way are the ones who are disowned by their parents and they don't have any source of earning so they do to grab the attention of people and earn money by sex work. 

This is how their life is, how they live in such a dominating society. Change the way you think. They are human too. Being an LGBT is not their fault, they are not LGBT by their choice. Support them and if you can't be a part in a change, then don't disrespect them, don't question on their existence.  



Wednesday, 11 September 2019

A Relationship Or A Contract??

Both insecurity and possessiveness are two different things by origin, but these two are enough to destroy any relationship i.e. a relationship which was created a week ago or a month or even a relationship which was created years ago. Insecurity and Possessiveness are the main reason behind the failure of any relationship. Let me first describe Insecurity and Possessiveness separately, then will explain how they are ruining the relationships.


It is a state of mind where you self-doubt and ruins your life as well as people around you or lack of security. Here we will only be discussing insecurity in the relationships. The picture on the left side of your screen tells a lot about insecurity. Whenever you arise a feeling of insecurity, you begin to think or you begin to ask yourself WH question i.e. What if he/she is thinking bad about me, what if he/she is cheating on me, what if things go wrong, what if I failed, what if I didn't succeed, what if our relationship didn't succeed and there arise many more such WH questions in your mind. Due to these what if's, you start to self-doubt, feel lack of confidence, lack of self-confidence and begin to ruin your life and relationship.


It is demanding someone's total attention and love. The picture on your left is clear for you to understand what possessive is. Being possessive means you are afraid, you are afraid of losing something or someone very close to you. The picture shows a boy and a girl are in a relationship, but one of them wants total attention and love from the other partner. They just want the partner should only text them, call them, talk to them, go on an outing with them and should give full attention every time. But this is something which is next to impossible because one or the other partner should give time to other people may be their college friends, office friends, family friends and many more. And as this seems to be impossible, the relationships begin to fail.

You must have got a picture of Insecurity and Possessiveness. Now let's see how they are the major factor for ruining a relationship. When someone is insecure, they start to doubt themselves as well as their partner. And as you are well aware that when there is a doubt in any relationship, it is not a long-lasting one. The insecurity that develops inside you begins to ask you the unnecessary WH questions which even don't exist. These WH questions make you overthink on a particular situation which is not having any existence. And you better know that overthinking and assumption kills, here your overthinking or doubt on a particular situation which is not having any existence kills your relationship. 
When someone is possessive, he/she believes that the other partner should give them their full attention and love. But just think once, is it possible to give full attention to one person only all the time? You are in a relationship boss not in any contract and Relationship is not a contract. Being possessive is okay fine, you are afraid of losing your loved ones, you care for them, but your over possessiveness might be the reason for them to leave you. They might see your care, adore you, but they don't want to live their whole life under your over possessiveness. Before loving someone, love yourself. In a relationship, if you feel jealous and possessive, the first thing you need to realize is that it's not about your partner it's about you. So it's your own insecurities that are driving your behaviors. 

These days relationships are more likely to be a contract rather than a connection. Relationships are judged on posts that one partner uploads. Love is just a secondary thing, Respect depends on the mood of the partner, Trust builds on sharing passwords, Forgiveness is just 11 letter word which was derived from a Latin word 'perdonare'😅🤣.

Carry a relationship with love trust respect and forgiveness instead of insecurities and possessiveness. Wish you all have a successful relationship ahead. Wish you won't let your insecurity and possessiveness ruin your relationship.      


Monday, 9 September 2019

Once A Looser Is Not A Loser Forever

This is my first blog on any movie or you can say this movie has captivated me to write about it. 
With due respect and honor to all the artists, director, producer, actor, actress and all the helping hands for making such a great movie "Chhichhore". Hats off to each one of you. And thank you for such an awesome movie with lots of meanings and for refreshing the memories of hostel life and college days. Indeed a must-watch movie

Without any delay, I will come straight to the point. Almost every one of us including our parents as well as everyone in this world has a lot of expectation and excitement for us that we are dreaming in the days itself what will we be doing after passing an entrance exam, or getting A+ grades in exams, getting success and many more. But what if we failed the entrance examination, we get E grades and we are unable to get the desired success? Have anyone of us thought about it? I guess the answers will be no. We are so much excited and have huge expectations that we never think about the part when things will go against us.

Our expectations and excitements are so high and we are too deep into things we will do after achieving success or passing the entrance examination that when things go against us, we assume ourselves to be looser or that was the only thing left in the earth and assume (nobody has told us till now, we are assuming it ourselves that people will say this that) will be called as a looser throughout our life. Similarly, the expectations of parents play a very important role here. This part is beautifully shown in the movie when Sushant Singh Rajput urf Anni tell his son that we will drink together after you clear the entrance exam. But what if he fails? This is where parents make a mistake. They have a really huge expectation from their child that when the child is unable to fulfill the expectations, he/she can take some wrong step and you will be regretting throughout your life. You need your child to be alive or their one-time failure?? The decision is yours.

One time failure is not a failure forever. Once a looser is not a loser forever. Practicing and participating is much more important than a result. Failing once is better than losing a life. Be grateful that you tried your level best and give your 100%. Be proud that your child tried their best to give their 100%. Don't have any expectations. Be good at the time of failures too. Life's race never ends with a failure, it needs never-ending failure so you can learn much more and have a successful life ahead.  AND A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

World Peace Day

If we need to make a change, first of all, we should change ourselves then we can make the change. Similarly, for bringing peace in the outer world, we should first make peace in ourselves. I love the way Buddha has quoted a statement on peace "We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves". This is really true we can't make outer peace until and unless we have peace within.  

When I hear word peace, the first thing or you may say the first name that comes to my mind is Martin Luther King Jr. who was an activist and pastor who promoted and organized non-violent protests. He played a pivotal role in advancing civil rights in America and has won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to fight racial inequality in a non-violent matter. King Jr was an amazing person who organized a non-violent protest and the "I Have A Dream" speech given by him encourage people that the time for equality is now. This guy fights with peace and had achieved his dream of freedom, justice, and equality. There are examples who peacefully protected and promoted human rights such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many more and they achieved their dreams. These famous icons are the perfect example of how can someone get their dreams to come true with peace. If in case any of the mentioned people have protested violently, the world would have been a different place today. Every person who has sacrificed their life to promote peace has first obtained inner peace and then they started promoting outer peace.

I want to ask a question to all of us that if these people have sacrificed their lives and achieved their dreams by peace i.e. inner peace, peace within themselves, then what we think who we are? Will we be able to achieve anything by violent? or Will we achieve anything without having peace within ourselves? They were humans and we are also the same. 

 I think it is crystal clear to one and all that nothing can be achieved or nothing can be changed until and unless we don't bring change within ourselves. History has taught us the same thing and that is 100% true and we should follow the same path of peace to achieve our dreams.

So on the occasion of International Peace Day, I want each one of us to promote peace as the most essential factor in human life. I request all of us to make inner peace first and then go for outer peace. On this day and every day from today, I want all of us to recognize the efforts of those who have worked hard to end the conflict and promote peace and wants each of us to end the conflict between ourselves and promote peace and work together. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL PEACE DAY.!!  

Are You True To Yourself?

"Are You True To Yourself" seems to be very simple and easy and sounds like the easiest thing ever. But when you go deep in it, it is the most difficult thing you ever will find. 
Let me put a very difficult question to all my readers, are you true to yourself? Most of you must be thinking how can this be the most difficult question? but indeed it is. And almost everyone's answer will be yes and there will only be few who will say no they aren't true to themselves. Before I let you know the main reason behind asking you this question, I will explain what does "Are You True To Yourself" means? 

Do you remember your new year resolution that you took with lots of excitement and energy?
If you do, are you going through it? And if you don't remember then what to say. Here if you are going through it, then you are following your new year resolution without any excuses and without lying yourself, and you are being true to yourself that's great. Keep going.

Do you swipe your alarm to snooze?
We set the alarm and make a promise to ourselves that we will be waking up the next morning as per the alarm and will go for a walk, go to the gym, do meditation and the list goes on. But only a few are able to keep their promise and the rest are not being true to themselves and have adopted a habit of swiping the alarm to snooze, which is not a good habit.

Have you ever argued on the statements where you are lying someone (i.e. you made a mistake or you are wrong on a statement, but also you are arguing assuming that you are right )?
We often see two types of people around us. One who will simply admit their mistakes and will apologize for it. And the other who will never admit or who will confidentially admit that they never made any mistakes and they assume as if they are not lying, but these type of persons are the ones who are being untrue to themselves. The persons who admit their mistake keeping their ego aside are the ones who are true to themselves.

And finally, if you are supporting a toxic person who is himself being untrue to himself, in this case, you are also being untrue to yourself. But if you leave such toxic people and are not supporting them in any kind of such untrue activity, you will end up being true to yourself. 

Again I want to put the same difficult question to all my readers, are you true to yourself? I hope after reading the mentioned points, now you will be able to identify are you actually true to yourself.
The main reason to put this question at the beginning was to know how true you were to yourself before knowing the mentioned points and the reason to put the same question again at the end is to know are you ready to accept your faults and mistakes that you misunderstood about yourself and won't let anyone walk into your way of being true to yourself.

There is a beautiful quotation by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (urf Mahatma Gandhi) “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." I want each one of you to apply the same in your life and don't let anyone walk through your mind with their dirty feet and make you untrue to yourself. STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF.   



Saturday, 7 September 2019


Inspiration means being encouraged by the actions of a person or anything that inspires you to do better. According to me, "Inspiration is the only thing you can find in everything visual to you nearby". Many of you would be wondered that how can anything visual inspires us as we are only inspired by some particular motivational speakers, public figures, storytellers, movies and so on. Let me put on some examples to make this statement of mine clear.

How do you feel when you see a beggar? 90 to 95% of us would feel sad for them and might think how hard is their life, they have to beg for a living and many more. I also fall under that 90 to 95%, but there is something more than that I feel and see about them. Have you ever thought for a while that they are still alive ( I mean to say their source is only begging and they fulfilling their basic needs by begging) and just think for a new company to survive in a market, they have to go through many difficulties, they have had to make their marketing strategy strong and  many more things they need to do. If you get what I wanted to let you know that's great if not, then let me explain it to you. I see a beggar from a different perspective they are very smart, they know who will be a customer for them and how to approach a customer for a beg, what kind of approach would be effective for higher profit i.e. getting more money and the level of commitment is really to next level, even if 10/20 people ignore them, they show the same level of commitment to the next person. And they are flexible as well. They are still alive in begging, so just imagine how flexible their approaches would be to beg every day and to get money.
This is how they inspire me. The salesperson should take inspiration from them😆😆 (i.e. in spite of being ignored by a lot of customers, how can they still show the same level of commitment to approach new customers). They are smarter enough than we have ever thought of. 

Have you ever been inspired by trees or plants? Yes, trees and plants. They too inspire us. We have only seen trees and plants from the perspective of oxygen giving machine, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil, supporting wildlife and many more. But apart from this, we can get inspirations as well. In spite of whatever the weather condition is, they stand strong and in spite of our activity i.e. we are harming the environment, polluting the environment, cutting down the trees and many more, they never step back off their responsibility (i.e. they provide us oxygen,  improve air quality, conserve water, preserve soil, support wildlife), they are still standing and doing their work. 
When you will see it the way I do, you will find they inspire us to stay strong whatever be the situation and also if someone or something disturbs you or someone is using you, or someone had hurt you, never forget your responsibility, never forget your duty and standing and doing our work. Don't let someone's else activity affect you and your responsibility.

I hope these examples have made my statement "Inspiration is the only thing you can find in everything visual to you nearby" is clear. But this statement will only be applicable if you change the way you look at things and look it from a different perspective.

Wish you have a great time. God bless you. Stay inspired.   


How Daylight Saving Time Affects Our Mental and Physical Well-being

Twice a year, we adjust our clocks for Daylight Saving Time (DST) —one hour forward in spring ( “spring forward” ) and one hour back in fall...