Thursday, 14 November 2024

A Heart That Can’t Speak: When You Feel Lost in Yourself

Sometimes, it feels like you’re a stranger to yourself. You wake up, and something is off, but you can't put your finger on it. Your heart feels heavy, and your mind is a swirl of distractions, pulling you in different directions. It’s like you’re stuck in a fog—going through the motions, but not really being.

There are days when everything feels blurry, when the silence inside your head is so loud you can’t hear your own thoughts. You want to move forward, but your body refuses. You want to talk, but the words don’t come. It’s like you’re holding on to something you don’t even understand—maybe grief, maybe confusion, maybe just the feeling that something is missing, but you don’t know what.

In the midst of it all, there’s a deep longing. A longing for someone who would understand, someone who would listen, someone who would sit with you in the quiet moments, not with advice or solutions, but just with presence. Because it’s not always about fixing things; sometimes, you just need someone to see you for who you are, in all your mess and confusion. But the world doesn’t always make space for that. People don’t listen—they judge. They analyze your feelings, label them, and offer their opinions, but rarely do they take the time to just hear you, without any commentary.

And in that silence, that feeling of being unheard, you start to lose touch with yourself. You try to focus, to be devoted to things that matter, but the distractions pull you away. Your mind races, your body stays still, and you feel disconnected from your own purpose. There are moments when you wonder if you even remember what it felt like to just be—to be present, to be whole, to be connected.

But that’s okay. You don’t have to have it all figured out right now.

Sometimes, the only way to move through the heaviness is to let it out. Don’t try to push it all back inside. Don’t let the world tell you that you should be fine, that you should be "over it," or that your emotions are too complicated to deal with. They are yours, and you have the right to express them in whatever way makes sense to you.

Write. Write until the weight on your chest feels a little lighter. Write down your confusion, your pain, your anger, your hopes. It doesn’t matter if you never show it to anyone—it’s not about validation, it’s about release. Or maybe, create something—paint, draw, make music, sing your truth. Let your art speak when words won’t. If not, just be. Cry if you need to. Let your emotions spill out. There’s no shame in it. You don’t have to hold it together all the time.

And most importantly, surrender. Surrender to the process of healing, to the unknowns, to the uncertainties. You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t have to have all the answers. Just give yourself permission to feel what you feel and to move through it, however it comes.

You’re not alone in this. So many of us are walking the same quiet path, unsure of where we’re going, but knowing that we’re not quite where we used to be. It’s hard, it’s messy, it’s confusing—but it’s also real. And sometimes, that’s all we need.

So let it out. Write. Cry. Paint. Sing. Just don’t keep it inside.


How Daylight Saving Time Affects Our Mental and Physical Well-being

Twice a year, we adjust our clocks for Daylight Saving Time (DST) —one hour forward in spring ( “spring forward” ) and one hour back in fall...