Monday, 23 September 2019


Changes are always good for a person. It's always good for a person to change their friend circle, change their behavior, change their thoughts, change the way they live, change a place, change a job, and many more changes. These things are really great for a person. Let me explain it by putting a question to you. Why do you change your circle, behavior, thoughts, jobs and all, just because you want something better or you are not happy with your present friend circle i.e. they don't let you grow or something like that, your behavior is not good or not letting you be 100% productive, you are not satisfied with your current job, you might be living with the past which is not letting you get anywhere that's why you should change the way you live and changing yourself in these things will surely make you happy and these changes will be great for you.

You must have experienced that when you try to change someone for some reason, you just end up losing that person or ruining your time i.e. changes are good, but when you expect someone else to change for some reason, you are just wasting your time on those people because changing someone for some good reasons is quite good, but they won't change until and unless they don't feel to change. You might always have a good intention for changing someone, but you never know how that person perceives it. I really have a few bad experiences where I was trying to change someone for their good, but end up being hated by them. Again back to college life i.e. back to Dehradun The City of Love. It was the time of my bachelors 2nd year. As I lived in the hostel, there were juniors who had just completed their 12th and had just joined college and hostel. At this phase, they are at the top of their growth stage. There were few juniors being diverted from their way and were being engaged in the wrong track. Not only juniors but few of my friends were too being engaged in the wrong track. Seeing them going on the wrong track, I literally tried for more than a limit to change them, but as I have mentioned above one won't change until and unless he/she don't feel to change. After a half year, I get to know that they hate me for changing them. I never had any bad intention on changing them, being a friend, a senior. I just want them to be on the right track that's it but I never knew how they perceive it and end up being hated. But I am glad to be hated as it taught me a lesson. Everything that happens to you may be a good thing or a bad thing is there to teach you a lesson. If something good happens it means you are happy, it is there to teach you how can you deal with a situation when you have everything and also how can you make a promise or take a decision i.e. there is a quote which says never make a promise or take a decision when you are happy and excited as you are not in your conscious state. And similarly, when something bad happens, it's there to teach you how you can admit your mistake and learn from it instead of being hurt or sad.
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."   (- Mahatma Gandhi) 
This is something which everyone should adopt or feel personally and then the world can be a better place. If you want to see the world clean, don't throw anything around, keep your surroundings clean, if you want to see peace in the world, bring peace within yourself first and you will feel peace everywhere. If you want to bring a change in the world or someone, first bring that change in yourself. Changes are great all the time. If something is bothering you or you are not satisfied with something, go for a change, don't fear the outcome of that change. The outcome will be surely in your favor but don't go for negative changes i.e. if you are not happy with life, don't go for suicide or don't get addicted to anything wrong Go for positive changes i.e. find some good friends, communicate with your loved ones, give yourself time and to understand situation, find a counselor if it's too difficult or consult your parents, siblings, friends and the final outcome will be great and in your favor.

"Changes are necessary and good. If something is disturbing you, go for a positive change always. Life will always be a better thing after a positive change." 
Good day ahead. Blessings.          


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