Thursday, 19 September 2019

Why Only Me????

Most of them who shares some of their problems and issues to me always come up with a question, "WHY ONLY ME?" Why only me here means why should I only suffer, why should I only be hurt, why should I always be cheated, why should I always be unlucky, why should I always fail, and many more such why only me, questions. It is obvious for someone who has been cheated twice or thrice, or for someone who has been hurt all the time, and also for someone who has failed all the time to say Why only me?  But let me tell you that every next individual to you is almost having the same problem. And the difference between you and them is they are capable of hiding it inside their heart but you are unable to do so, also they have understood that they are not only the one who is suffering or the one who is hurt or unlucky or failed or cheated and so on.

I genuinely appreciate the ones who come up to me and pour their heart out. It's not that easy to share problems and issues to a stranger guy or a person whom you met online or a friend i.e. just a friend it might be a schoolmate, a college mate or an online friend. I am grateful to each one of you who trusted me and shared their problems and issues. I appreciate you for not keeping things inside your heart and hurt yourself. You feel better and relief whenever you share it to someone whom you trust. Those who feel lonely and want someone to talk, to share sorrows and problem, you can text me or mail me anytime you wanted.

Let's come back, I said every next individual to you is almost having the same problem, because those who come up to me to share their problems are someone whom you know very well, so every next individual to you is almost having the same problem. This might seem to be unrealistic but once look around you, you will find a lot of similar people having the same problem as you have. And the best part of someone is they know very well that there are others having the same problem and they realized it is not only them, but it is also almost everyone around them. And they also realized that everyone has or should go through this phase so that they learn new experiences and new things. Let me share a few experiences of myself as well as some of my friends who came up to share things.

Most of you might be thinking and also almost every time I have heard people saying that it's very easy to say things but it's really hard for someone who really suffers it or who have gone through it? But what if I tell you that I had also gone through this, what if I tell you that I have also suffered, hurt, cheated, unlucky, or failed? I also had the same question Why only me? at some point in time. I also believed that it was really hard to get off it, but then something positive hit my mind and everything changed. I just started to learn from my new experience and now I appreciate instead of regretting that moment which helped me to bring such good change in life. Literally, everyone who once had Why only me? question is happy to be blessed with such a phase in their life as it has brought some positive change and a great blessing in their life. It only seems to be the most difficult or the hardest thing to overcome at that moment or your question Why only me? always all the time make you feel low and lonely, but when you come out of it you will see a new change and better things waiting for you. If you always have a good time, then how can you even learn and experience new things? And everyone believes that this is the only thing what they have and was the only way to live life, but literally, after coming out of this phase and when you are blessed with what you truly deserve, you just laugh at yourself thinking how stupid you were.

You are not only the one. Life is much more than this and new opportunities and blessings that you truly own are waiting for you. Come out of this trauma, and try to learn from this.
Stay Positive. Communicate your problems and issues to your loved ones and you are not lonely, there are people to listen to you. Have a great time ahead.              


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