Inspiration means being encouraged by the actions of a person or anything that inspires you to do better. According to me, "Inspiration is the only thing you can find in everything visual to you nearby". Many of you would be wondered that how can anything visual inspires us as we are only inspired by some particular motivational speakers, public figures, storytellers, movies and so on. Let me put on some examples to make this statement of mine clear.
How do you feel when you see a beggar? 90 to 95% of us would feel sad for them and might think how hard is their life, they have to beg for a living and many more. I also fall under that 90 to 95%, but there is something more than that I feel and see about them. Have you ever thought for a while that they are still alive ( I mean to say their source is only begging and they fulfilling their basic needs by begging) and just think for a new company to survive in a market, they have to go through many difficulties, they have had to make their marketing strategy strong and many more things they need to do. If you get what I wanted to let you know that's great if not, then let me explain it to you. I see a beggar from a different perspective they are very smart, they know who will be a customer for them and how to approach a customer for a beg, what kind of approach would be effective for higher profit i.e. getting more money and the level of commitment is really to next level, even if 10/20 people ignore them, they show the same level of commitment to the next person. And they are flexible as well. They are still alive in begging, so just imagine how flexible their approaches would be to beg every day and to get money.
This is how they inspire me. The salesperson should take inspiration from them๐๐ (i.e. in spite of being ignored by a lot of customers, how can they still show the same level of commitment to approach new customers). They are smarter enough than we have ever thought of.
Have you ever been inspired by trees or plants? Yes, trees and plants. They too inspire us. We have only seen trees and plants from the perspective of oxygen giving machine, improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil, supporting wildlife and many more. But apart from this, we can get inspirations as well. In spite of whatever the weather condition is, they stand strong and in spite of our activity i.e. we are harming the environment, polluting the environment, cutting down the trees and many more, they never step back off their responsibility (i.e. they provide us oxygen, improve air quality, conserve water, preserve soil, support wildlife), they are still standing and doing their work.
When you will see it the way I do, you will find they inspire us to stay strong whatever be the situation and also if someone or something disturbs you or someone is using you, or someone had hurt you, never forget your responsibility, never forget your duty and standing and doing our work. Don't let someone's else activity affect you and your responsibility.
I hope these examples have made my statement "Inspiration is the only thing you can find in everything visual to you nearby" is clear. But this statement will only be applicable if you change the way you look at things and look it from a different perspective.
Wish you have a great time. God bless you. Stay inspired.
ReplyDeleteThanks bro