Sunday, 8 September 2019

Are You True To Yourself?

"Are You True To Yourself" seems to be very simple and easy and sounds like the easiest thing ever. But when you go deep in it, it is the most difficult thing you ever will find. 
Let me put a very difficult question to all my readers, are you true to yourself? Most of you must be thinking how can this be the most difficult question? but indeed it is. And almost everyone's answer will be yes and there will only be few who will say no they aren't true to themselves. Before I let you know the main reason behind asking you this question, I will explain what does "Are You True To Yourself" means? 

Do you remember your new year resolution that you took with lots of excitement and energy?
If you do, are you going through it? And if you don't remember then what to say. Here if you are going through it, then you are following your new year resolution without any excuses and without lying yourself, and you are being true to yourself that's great. Keep going.

Do you swipe your alarm to snooze?
We set the alarm and make a promise to ourselves that we will be waking up the next morning as per the alarm and will go for a walk, go to the gym, do meditation and the list goes on. But only a few are able to keep their promise and the rest are not being true to themselves and have adopted a habit of swiping the alarm to snooze, which is not a good habit.

Have you ever argued on the statements where you are lying someone (i.e. you made a mistake or you are wrong on a statement, but also you are arguing assuming that you are right )?
We often see two types of people around us. One who will simply admit their mistakes and will apologize for it. And the other who will never admit or who will confidentially admit that they never made any mistakes and they assume as if they are not lying, but these type of persons are the ones who are being untrue to themselves. The persons who admit their mistake keeping their ego aside are the ones who are true to themselves.

And finally, if you are supporting a toxic person who is himself being untrue to himself, in this case, you are also being untrue to yourself. But if you leave such toxic people and are not supporting them in any kind of such untrue activity, you will end up being true to yourself. 

Again I want to put the same difficult question to all my readers, are you true to yourself? I hope after reading the mentioned points, now you will be able to identify are you actually true to yourself.
The main reason to put this question at the beginning was to know how true you were to yourself before knowing the mentioned points and the reason to put the same question again at the end is to know are you ready to accept your faults and mistakes that you misunderstood about yourself and won't let anyone walk into your way of being true to yourself.

There is a beautiful quotation by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (urf Mahatma Gandhi) “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." I want each one of you to apply the same in your life and don't let anyone walk through your mind with their dirty feet and make you untrue to yourself. STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF.   




How Daylight Saving Time Affects Our Mental and Physical Well-being

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