Thursday, 12 September 2019



We all must have heard the term 'LGBT' but how many of us know about it? It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender. You might be wondering (might not) why I am talking about them today as it's not pride day any special occasion for LGBT. This is where the problem is. Why should you or I talk about anything in any special occasion only?? Why can't we talk about anything anywhere anytime? And especially why can't or why don't we talk about LGBT publically or freely in the society and most importantly why don't we give or talk about them with respect? Did they do anything wrong with each one of you in person? 

I am very thankful to my junior who asked me to write about the LGBT community and rights. He mentioned how the LGBT people are treated badly in our society i.e. in our modern and advance society of 21st century. After listening to that sweet boy, I did a small survey where my friend suggested an LGBT who can help me to complete this writing and I am thankful to her as well. Then I had a chat with that LGBT. Literally, they are really cool and I am thankful to him as well for sharing his experiences, the problem they faced being an LGBT and I literally like the way he positively responded. I would like to share his experiences and journey through my words.

Life being an LGBT 

Life of an LGBT is quite the same as a heterosexual but most of them have to face discrimination everywhere, a lot of discrimination everywhere they go. At their adolescence period, they don't have any idea what's going around them and what's happening to them as nowhere no one taught them about the LGBT and related things not even in schools. So after doing a lot of research they finally get to know who they are and know about the LGBT community.
He shared one of his experience where he mentioned that he can be truest in private personal area only, i.e. like with a full face of makeup and dressing in a particular way, there are many people who will support you being gay but they won't accept the fact that you wear full glam makeup and feminine dressing. They set boundaries for you which is not relevant because they being straight they cant dress as the opposite gender but we being gays we can or we are dressing in a certain way the society asks but still there are someday when we want to be the truest form of ourselves and people will still have problem with that. 
This is something which is irrelevant because everyone has their right, right to live the way they are and also the way they dress up. So we can't make a restriction on them. They are also human. 

A lifestyle of an LGBT

Many people think its all about sex, drugs, rock n roll but it is not with many of them. They constantly have a fear of people knowing about them from sources. He personally was very scared every time and he use to have a mental breakdown every week especially from past 2 months because he was so open on Instagram and many people saw him the way he was and most of them accepted  it but there were some people who were not at all okay with him being the way he was.
And while he was in his home town, he was having a normal life, except when he uses to do makeup dress in a certain way just inside his room. And when he is in the city he explored the true himself and people are more accepting it here but still not fully free.
Life of an LGBT is not as easy as they seem to be happy. 

How they are being treated by society?

There are many who accept them and a lot who try to accept them and a lot who don't. There are many elders who support them, who stands for them. There are unexpected people who support them the way they are and vice verse. According to them, at times people giggle on them because of their dress-up and makeups. But they literally don't care about them at the end of the day, because there are a bunch of people supporting them. 
If you are one of who is supporting them, keep going and those who are not supporting them, you don't have any right to judge them or question them on their appearance.

What do their parents think about them?

Some of the parents are really supportive them the way they are and don't give a damn what the society will think and some parents disown their child. They all need real support and support from their loved ones and nothing else matters.
I am literally grateful to those parents who accept them the way they are. Why do you disown your own child?? That was not their fault nor did they do anything wrong. Just they were born as an LGBT doesn't mean they should be disowned. Show them love and respect.

How they treat society?

There are some LGBT's who really treat people in such a wrong way which is giving a very bad look to their whole community. But most of them are good and treat other people with respect.
But the one who treats people in such a wrong way are the ones who are disowned by their parents and they don't have any source of earning so they do to grab the attention of people and earn money by sex work. 

This is how their life is, how they live in such a dominating society. Change the way you think. They are human too. Being an LGBT is not their fault, they are not LGBT by their choice. Support them and if you can't be a part in a change, then don't disrespect them, don't question on their existence.  




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