Sunday, 15 September 2019


Isn’t it ironic?

We ignore the ones that adore us,
Adore the ones who ignore us.
Love the ones who hurt us,
Hurt the ones that love us.

(F)ight for you.
(R)espect you.
(I)nvolve you.
(E)ncourage you.
(N)eed you.
(D)eserve you.
(S)ave you.
                      -Will Smith

These words of Will Smith are so incredible and inspiring. These words remind me of the time when I used to ignore the ones that adore me, adore the ones who ignore me, love the ones who hurt me and hurt the ones that love me. You might also have experienced the same or some might be experiencing it at present. I apologize for my deeds and wants to express my deepest gratitude to those who adored me, loved me even when I ignored them. A humble request to all my readers, it's better to accept the fact instead of regretting later i.e. it's fine to accept the fact that you ignore the ones that adore you, adore the ones who ignore you. Love the ones who hurt you, hurt the ones that love you, instead of regretting that you committed a mistake for not adoring and loving the ones that adored and loved you.

FRIENDSHIP is not only a bond of mutual affection but its a feeling. Everyone makes friends. Some find them on their childhood, some in school, some in college life and nowadays in social media as well. Lucky are those whose school friends are still connected by the heart. Blessed are those whose childhood friends are still together. College life friends are life changers and finally, those whom you meet in any social media can be a boon or a bane for you. I have a logic behind giving these four places a specific term where you find friends. Let me put this into some examples, or some experiences as always so that the logic behind can be cleared.

Lucky are those whose school friends are still connected by the heart. School life is a time when your maturity is in the developing stage and as you are in the developing stage, you make a lot of commitments which are just a commitment at present for most of you. And many of you might be thinking I am still connected with my school friends in social media, I chat with them once a week, once a month or once in a quarter. But do you really know how are they, what are they doing, what ups and downs they are facing in their life and many more WH questions? Even after being in the developing stage of maturity if you make the compliments come true and are connected by heart rather then social media, you and your friends are lucky.

Blessed are those whose childhood friends are still together. Childhood is the best part of everyone's life. Everyone wishes to go back to their childhood. But let me put a question for you, do you even remember who were your childhood friends? Okay few might have eaten almonds and drunk any health drinks so you might remember your childhood friends but where are they, what they are doing, and similarly as above many more WH questions? If you know where are your childhood friends, what they are up to, literally you both are blessed.

College life friends are life changers. College life is the most amazing phase of one's life. The time when your maturity is developed and now you are able to differentiate what's right or wrong for you, you have a lot of energy that you only commit to things you are going to do. Why I mentioned college life friends are life changers is because they know you better, they know what you need, they are ready to help you whenever you need them, they guide you as a parent, care you as a brother/sister and most importantly treat you as a part of their life (I am not saying childhood and school friends are not doing this all but the ratio of college life friends is high). 

Finally, those whom you meet in any social media. These types of friends are basically short term friends as well as bane but in a few cases, they are long term as well as a boon for you because they might be the most important part of your life, a life changer as well (i.e. first you are friends in social media, then afterward you both are in the same school then the same college). They are short-termed or a bane because they might be close to you for some period of time but due to some misunderstanding, they left you. You both were close to each other and might have a very good bond and trust, but due to some misunderstanding, everything is ruined.

Hope my logic was correct. I consider myself as 50% lucky as I am heartily connected with my few school friendsI am 60-70% blessed to have my childhood friends still together. College life friends are real-life changers. And finally, those whom I met in any social media are 90-95% boon for me (some have literally been an important part of my life). I express my sincere gratitude to each one of you.

I have only mentioned friends instead of true friends or best friends. Don't feel dishearted. You know your importance in my life and how much I admire you. 
"One best book is equal to 100 friends but one good friend is equal to a library." (-Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam). 



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