Saturday, 26 October 2019

Future With Biotech & Infotech

Firstly I would like to thank our President of Behbood The Society Mr. Vachan Anand Sir for recommending me such a great book, "21 Lessons for the 21st Century". I have just started reading it and have completed a lesson and that lesson made me think about it and now I am writing about the same.

The following lines from the book are really amazing: -

We, humans, have learned to control the world outside us, but we had very little control over the world inside us. We knew how to build a dam and stop a river from flowing, but we did not know how to stop the body from ageing. We knew how to design an irrigation system, but we had no idea how to design a brain. If mosquitoes buzzed in our ears and disturbed our sleep, we knew how to kill mosquitoes; but if a thought buzzed in our mind and kept us awake at night, most of us did not know how to kill the thought.

Also we, humans, are too good at inventing and discovering technologies and things. We have discovered things like AI (Artifical Intelligence) which works and react like humans, blockchain a system in which a record of transactions made in bitcoins or another cryptocurrency are maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network. And also the revolutions of biotech and infotech will give us control of the world inside us. We can learn how to design the brain, extend lives and also how to kill the thoughts that are disturbing us. But none of us are aware of the consequences. As per the author of the book, "Yuval Noah Harari", humans were always far better at inventing tools than using them wisely. It is easy to construct a dam than to predict all the consequences this will have for the wider ecological system. Similarly, it will be easy to kill the thoughts that are disturbing us than to divine what it will do to our personal psychology. 

We are too forward in inventing and discovering things that we are being blind when it comes to knowing the consequences. Let me talk about AI and Blockchain. There are a lot of automated restaurants or robotic restaurants around us. As per an article in The Guardian the British daily newspaper, restaurants are now employing robots which means human jobs are in danger. According to a report by Chloe Taylor a News Assistant at CNBC, "Robots could take over 20 million jobs by 2030, study claims". Researchers predicted the rise of robots will bring about benefits in terms of productivity and economic growth, they also acknowledged the drawbacks that were expected to arise simultaneously. Researchers suggested that governments could incentivize companies and workers with financial benefits for engaging in local programs to retrain workers. They also called on policymakers to develop “aggressive, forward-thinking programs” to counteract the negative impacts of automation. 

Blockchain is a system in which a record of transactions made in bitcoins or another cryptocurrency is maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network. Though they are having a good amount of benefits, it is complex technology. Transactions are not made in monetary forms, so they might completely revamp the monetary system. 

These technological revolutions might make our lives easy and better but AI might soon push billions of humans out of the job market and create a massive new useless class. And also when we learn how to control the world outside us and inside us, we should also learn to predict the possible consequences and ways to control it in time.

"Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks".
                                                                                       -Stephen Hawking      

Wednesday, 23 October 2019


According to WHO,
  • Globally more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression.
  • Mild depression causes physical illness with many symptoms than just an unhappy mood.
  • At its worst, severe depression can lead to suicide.
  • Roughly 30% of people who misuse drugs or alcohol also suffer from depression. 

I don't really think it's necessary to define depression in detail as it is one of the hot topics in today's time and you must have got some idea what it is and its consequences. So I won't make it a boring blog but will add a real-life example where how one of my friends dealt with depression and also will include some facts, tips, solutions, and a suggestion at last.

Depression is a common illness worldwide with more than 300 million affected. Depression varies from person to person. Some people are able to identify the symptoms and are able to be cured at the proper time but most times, people are unable to identify the symptoms or sometimes they just want to get out of it by being addicted to some kind of drugs or alcohol and end their life. Drugs and alcohol are not a permanent solution, they only provide short-term pleasures and harm your body in the long run. So, worst-case scenario, depression can lead to suicide. Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year and suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29-years-old as per WHO report.

Sometimes most people combine sadness and depression together and assume they are the same. But let me make them clear that sadness is a part of being human, a natural reaction of a painful situation. Every one of us experiences sadness at some point in our lives. Whereas depression is an illness with more symptoms than an unhappy mood like persistent feelings of sadness or empty, hopeless, helpless, loss of interest in activities once you enjoyed, having trouble in concentration, memory, and decision-making 

According to Nancy Schimelpfening, Administrator for a non-profit depression support group, having a parent and grandparent with depression doubles the risk of depression, suggesting that genetics plays a big role. The rate of depression is also higher among those who have a history of substance use; roughly 30% of people who misuse drugs or alcohol also suffer from depression. Other factors linked to depression include brain chemistry imbalances, hormones, seasonal changes, stress, and trauma.

These were some of the facts and findings related to depression, now I will present the real-life example of a friend that dealt with depression.

There is a famous statement that "Luck bina discount k Nahi milta lakin bad luck bonus k sath milta hai". Something similar happened to that friend. Adulthood was hitting him so hard and at the very same time he fell in love with someone and everyone reading this might have experienced that when you truly love someone and if that's your first love, it is everything for you. So did he. He made her everything. He was so deeply in love with her that he forgot everything. He forgot what responsibilities were and he even forgot what family was to him. It sounds weird but it is true. And when the sweet love story comes to an END and when everything is taken away, obviously you will be out of your mind so did he. He became a victim of depression, which as we have already established, is not a good thing. It was the darkest part of his life. A girl whom he loved the most dumped him very badly. And as a result, to overcome this pain he was addicted to drugs and alcohol which now he realizes was a bad choice. It was just giving him short-term pleasure and harming the body for the long-term. He also consulted the psychiatrist and his parents were willing to do whatever it takes to help him fight and get his life back. But still, he was struggling and coping with life with no faith in himself and life. And then a person came into his life and changed everything. That person helped him to realize that he was never a looser and he had much more then he could offer. That person helped him like nothing else has ever done. And now when he looked back he feels like he was wasting his time in all the wrong things in life. 

Sometimes you don't really need any medication or any consultant but you just need a person with whom you feel good, whom you can trust and who is there for you in the hardest time and also with whom you can pour your heart out comfortably. Don't just choose the wrong thing and be addicted to short-term things that are harming your body in the long run. And if you just can't trust anyone then please let your parents know what you are going through and also if it doesn't work, consult a psychiatrist.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Life of a friend

No one will ever mention that they are from a bad family background so do I 😆. But literally, I am from a respectful family of NEPAL. I spent my childhood in Nepal itself and it was really amazing. But as you all are well aware that amazing times are in one's life are just for a few moments as the bad times. So at a very young age, I had to come to India and it was difficult for me to understand things as a kid. It was very difficult for me to accept the fact that the amazing days were just like nightmares. I was going through things that I never thought of. I just want to adore my parents for growing me up as a privileged kid by putting their blood and sweat. I just can't explain how blissful I'm to have such great parents. 

There is a famous statement that "Luck bina discount k Nahi milta lakin bad luck bonus k sath milta hai". Something similar to this happens to me. Adulthood was hitting me hard and at the very same time I fell in love with someone and everyone reading this might have experienced that when you truly love someone and if that's your first love, it is everything for you. So do I. I made her my everything. I was so deeply in love with her that I forgot everything. I forgot what responsibilities were and I even forgot what family was to me. It sounds weird right but it is true. I forgot what would my future be, what my career would be as love with her was everything at that moment. And as I had mentioned that good times are just for a moment, the sweet love story comes to an END and when everything is taken away, obviously you will be out of your mind and I became the victim of depression. I wasted a huge chunk of my life, time and disappointed my parents.

Being a victim of depression is really a bad thing one can ever experience. It was the darkest part of my life. A girl whom I loved the most dumbed my very badly and I was addicted to alcohol. I also consulted the psychiatrist. I became an alcoholic to overcome this pain but it was a wrong choice. It was harming my body while giving short-term pleasure. My parents supported me and were willing to do whatever it takes to help me fight back life. But still, I was struggling and coping with life with no faith in myself and life. But as always bad times are also in one's life just for a few moments, I found someone whom I want to address by the fifth season for me. My life was like a loop of the four seasons and someone far very far the person came into my life as the fifth season and changed my life like nothing has ever done. He made me realized the true meaning of love. He not only helped me to overcome my depression but also helped me to realize that I was never a looser and I had much more then I could offer. He made me a man again, motivated and uplifted me and also taught me how to get back into my feet again. Finally, I am above all that like a phoenix rising from the ash, I am now cherishing life, reflecting on my actions working my ass off to make my family proud and making up to the time which I wasted. 

When I look back I feel I was wasting my time in all the wrong things in life. I am really grateful for the person who helped me entirely get back to life. There are four seasons in the world and in everyone's life but I am blessed to have the fifth season in my life. Thank you, boss, for everything. 


Monday, 14 October 2019

Kukoo Multimedia

"Kukoo Multimedia" is a trailblazer; an institute which innovated something for the very first time in the Digital Marketing and IT industry. This platform offers wide range of courses for those individuals who want to purse their dreams of having a career in IT and also helps those who want to take freelancing work as it provides software based programs for better understanding and easy and effective learning courses. The courses include Digital Marketing, Web Designing, Graphic Designing, Python, Java, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and IELTS Coaching. Although in this generation we individuals have knowledge about these courses and its importance based on any field let me summarise its main vision for your great advantage.

Digital Marketing: It allows small businesses to compete with a much smaller advertising budget. When managed effectively, it gives you laser-focused control over where and how you spend your money. When you have this kind of control and the data to support decisions, you make smarter ones.

Web Designing: It is important because it
impacts how your audience perceives your brand. The impression you make on them can either get them to remain on your page and learn about your business or leave your page and turn to a competitor. A good web design helps you keep your leads on your page.

Graphic Designing: It is a crucial tool that
makes sure that you communicate
with your people in an efficient manner. It serves to deliver your message to the target audience in an aesthetic way. It is an art that has a certain purpose and objective.

Python: It is a general purpose programming language. You can use the programming language for developing both desktop and web applications. Also, you can use Python for developing complex scientific and numeric applications. Python is designed with features to facilitate data analysis and visualization.

Java: It is one of the most popular programming languages used to create Web applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform.

Machine Learning: The iterative aspect of machine learning is important because as models are exposed to new data, they are able to independently adapt. They learn from previous computations to produce reliable, repeatable decisions and results.

Deep Learning: It helps the computers that are able to analyze massive amounts of complex data known as big data' to provide more accurate results. 

IELTS Coaching: The IELTS exam is accepted by the immigration authorities and continues to play an important role in using assessment as a mean to control  migration number. They consider language proficiency to be strongly related to people's ability to integrate into the community and the workplace.

The main vision is to slash out unemployment from the society. And for the same, the Kukoo Multimedia customize your own fee structure, students with any education background can join the Kukoo Multimedia and there are no more than 5 students in a batch which helps the students to learn things easily and efficiently and quickly. 

Saturday, 5 October 2019

5 Mantras For Successful Career.

Life is full of obstacles and it's not that easy to achieve what you want in life. You have to be dedicated and stay focused on your goals and objectives of life. Most successful people are fully focused and dedicated to their goals and also they have some mantras which lead them to success and their goals. 
In this blog, I will be discussing a few mantras that I think can really help you achieve success. First, let me point down the mantras and then will be discussing them.
1. Meditation.
2. Reading quality books.
3. Stay away from toxic people.
4. Do what you love and love what you do.
5. Set short term goals for the long run.

1. Meditation: - You might have an idea of what meditation is and how it can be done. Meditation is not only limited to making you control your mind and thoughts but also it is a key factor in making your career bright. Meditation daily helps you stay fresh throughout the day, helps you to stay cool and calm in every situation and in the long run it will show its results i.e. a successful career ahead. For example, when you are fresh throughout the day, you are able to concentrate on your work and give your 100% and when you give your 100%, the results will be in your favor.

2. Reading quality books: - Reading books and reading quality books has a huge difference. You might be the novel lovers and you might read a book a day (i.e. it can be a story novel, love story,  horror books, and more), but it's not something that's called reading quality books. According to me, reading quality books means reading something which teaches you some good lessons, gives you inspiration, motivates you for achieving your dreams and shows you the path of life (i.e. how the great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and many more have taught us how can one be in their path of life to achieve their dreams). For sure the above-mentioned types of novels might give you some kind of knowledge i.e. it might help you in improving your English language, helps you to create words and so on, but it might not give you the good lessons for chasing your dreams. Be a reader a quality reader.

3. Stay away from toxic people: -  You might know what I mean by toxic people. Those who don't let you grow, who always brings you down more than up, who is catching you back so that you won't go ahead. You should figure out these types of people and should kick them off your life or if in case you are unable to kick them off, you should stay away from them. Even if they are anyone dearest and closest to you. They will only limit your potential and make you down and limiting your potential won't help you to achieve your big goals.

4. Do what you love and love what you do: - This is something which most of the people are lacking in their life. They are not satisfied with what they are doing and are not doing what makes them satisfied. I suggest you, love whatever you are doing might be your jobs, studies, games, shows and more. When you love what you are doing, you are able to give your 100% which will lead to a fruitful outcome. And also go for the things which you are interested in i.e. what you love and what you are interested in. And also don't care what others will be thinking about you when you go for things you are interested in because they don't know your intention for choosing your goals and also they will not be there for you in your difficulties so why to care about them?

5. Set short term goals for the long run: - First of all, make sure what you wanted to do in life i.e. set your goals, dreams, and objectives. After doing this, set short term goals for the long run i.e. set short term goals in reference to your long term goals or the life goals and objectives. For example, you wanted to be the player representing the nation, for this, first of all, you should set short term goals i.e. your 1st short term goal will be representing your district, then the state and the region and finally the nation. So here you have 4 short term goals for achieving your final goal i.e. the player representing the nation. So keep setting short term goals for the long run.

These are a few mantras for a successful career that I figure out for you. There are many more such mantras you can find them and apply in your life for a successful career. Wishing you a successful career ahead.  

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