Saturday, 5 October 2019

5 Mantras For Successful Career.

Life is full of obstacles and it's not that easy to achieve what you want in life. You have to be dedicated and stay focused on your goals and objectives of life. Most successful people are fully focused and dedicated to their goals and also they have some mantras which lead them to success and their goals. 
In this blog, I will be discussing a few mantras that I think can really help you achieve success. First, let me point down the mantras and then will be discussing them.
1. Meditation.
2. Reading quality books.
3. Stay away from toxic people.
4. Do what you love and love what you do.
5. Set short term goals for the long run.

1. Meditation: - You might have an idea of what meditation is and how it can be done. Meditation is not only limited to making you control your mind and thoughts but also it is a key factor in making your career bright. Meditation daily helps you stay fresh throughout the day, helps you to stay cool and calm in every situation and in the long run it will show its results i.e. a successful career ahead. For example, when you are fresh throughout the day, you are able to concentrate on your work and give your 100% and when you give your 100%, the results will be in your favor.

2. Reading quality books: - Reading books and reading quality books has a huge difference. You might be the novel lovers and you might read a book a day (i.e. it can be a story novel, love story,  horror books, and more), but it's not something that's called reading quality books. According to me, reading quality books means reading something which teaches you some good lessons, gives you inspiration, motivates you for achieving your dreams and shows you the path of life (i.e. how the great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and many more have taught us how can one be in their path of life to achieve their dreams). For sure the above-mentioned types of novels might give you some kind of knowledge i.e. it might help you in improving your English language, helps you to create words and so on, but it might not give you the good lessons for chasing your dreams. Be a reader a quality reader.

3. Stay away from toxic people: -  You might know what I mean by toxic people. Those who don't let you grow, who always brings you down more than up, who is catching you back so that you won't go ahead. You should figure out these types of people and should kick them off your life or if in case you are unable to kick them off, you should stay away from them. Even if they are anyone dearest and closest to you. They will only limit your potential and make you down and limiting your potential won't help you to achieve your big goals.

4. Do what you love and love what you do: - This is something which most of the people are lacking in their life. They are not satisfied with what they are doing and are not doing what makes them satisfied. I suggest you, love whatever you are doing might be your jobs, studies, games, shows and more. When you love what you are doing, you are able to give your 100% which will lead to a fruitful outcome. And also go for the things which you are interested in i.e. what you love and what you are interested in. And also don't care what others will be thinking about you when you go for things you are interested in because they don't know your intention for choosing your goals and also they will not be there for you in your difficulties so why to care about them?

5. Set short term goals for the long run: - First of all, make sure what you wanted to do in life i.e. set your goals, dreams, and objectives. After doing this, set short term goals for the long run i.e. set short term goals in reference to your long term goals or the life goals and objectives. For example, you wanted to be the player representing the nation, for this, first of all, you should set short term goals i.e. your 1st short term goal will be representing your district, then the state and the region and finally the nation. So here you have 4 short term goals for achieving your final goal i.e. the player representing the nation. So keep setting short term goals for the long run.

These are a few mantras for a successful career that I figure out for you. There are many more such mantras you can find them and apply in your life for a successful career. Wishing you a successful career ahead.  

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