Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Life of a friend

No one will ever mention that they are from a bad family background so do I 😆. But literally, I am from a respectful family of NEPAL. I spent my childhood in Nepal itself and it was really amazing. But as you all are well aware that amazing times are in one's life are just for a few moments as the bad times. So at a very young age, I had to come to India and it was difficult for me to understand things as a kid. It was very difficult for me to accept the fact that the amazing days were just like nightmares. I was going through things that I never thought of. I just want to adore my parents for growing me up as a privileged kid by putting their blood and sweat. I just can't explain how blissful I'm to have such great parents. 

There is a famous statement that "Luck bina discount k Nahi milta lakin bad luck bonus k sath milta hai". Something similar to this happens to me. Adulthood was hitting me hard and at the very same time I fell in love with someone and everyone reading this might have experienced that when you truly love someone and if that's your first love, it is everything for you. So do I. I made her my everything. I was so deeply in love with her that I forgot everything. I forgot what responsibilities were and I even forgot what family was to me. It sounds weird right but it is true. I forgot what would my future be, what my career would be as love with her was everything at that moment. And as I had mentioned that good times are just for a moment, the sweet love story comes to an END and when everything is taken away, obviously you will be out of your mind and I became the victim of depression. I wasted a huge chunk of my life, time and disappointed my parents.

Being a victim of depression is really a bad thing one can ever experience. It was the darkest part of my life. A girl whom I loved the most dumbed my very badly and I was addicted to alcohol. I also consulted the psychiatrist. I became an alcoholic to overcome this pain but it was a wrong choice. It was harming my body while giving short-term pleasure. My parents supported me and were willing to do whatever it takes to help me fight back life. But still, I was struggling and coping with life with no faith in myself and life. But as always bad times are also in one's life just for a few moments, I found someone whom I want to address by the fifth season for me. My life was like a loop of the four seasons and someone far very far the person came into my life as the fifth season and changed my life like nothing has ever done. He made me realized the true meaning of love. He not only helped me to overcome my depression but also helped me to realize that I was never a looser and I had much more then I could offer. He made me a man again, motivated and uplifted me and also taught me how to get back into my feet again. Finally, I am above all that like a phoenix rising from the ash, I am now cherishing life, reflecting on my actions working my ass off to make my family proud and making up to the time which I wasted. 

When I look back I feel I was wasting my time in all the wrong things in life. I am really grateful for the person who helped me entirely get back to life. There are four seasons in the world and in everyone's life but I am blessed to have the fifth season in my life. Thank you, boss, for everything. 


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