Wednesday, 23 October 2019


According to WHO,
  • Globally more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression.
  • Mild depression causes physical illness with many symptoms than just an unhappy mood.
  • At its worst, severe depression can lead to suicide.
  • Roughly 30% of people who misuse drugs or alcohol also suffer from depression. 

I don't really think it's necessary to define depression in detail as it is one of the hot topics in today's time and you must have got some idea what it is and its consequences. So I won't make it a boring blog but will add a real-life example where how one of my friends dealt with depression and also will include some facts, tips, solutions, and a suggestion at last.

Depression is a common illness worldwide with more than 300 million affected. Depression varies from person to person. Some people are able to identify the symptoms and are able to be cured at the proper time but most times, people are unable to identify the symptoms or sometimes they just want to get out of it by being addicted to some kind of drugs or alcohol and end their life. Drugs and alcohol are not a permanent solution, they only provide short-term pleasures and harm your body in the long run. So, worst-case scenario, depression can lead to suicide. Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year and suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15-29-years-old as per WHO report.

Sometimes most people combine sadness and depression together and assume they are the same. But let me make them clear that sadness is a part of being human, a natural reaction of a painful situation. Every one of us experiences sadness at some point in our lives. Whereas depression is an illness with more symptoms than an unhappy mood like persistent feelings of sadness or empty, hopeless, helpless, loss of interest in activities once you enjoyed, having trouble in concentration, memory, and decision-making 

According to Nancy Schimelpfening, Administrator for a non-profit depression support group, having a parent and grandparent with depression doubles the risk of depression, suggesting that genetics plays a big role. The rate of depression is also higher among those who have a history of substance use; roughly 30% of people who misuse drugs or alcohol also suffer from depression. Other factors linked to depression include brain chemistry imbalances, hormones, seasonal changes, stress, and trauma.

These were some of the facts and findings related to depression, now I will present the real-life example of a friend that dealt with depression.

There is a famous statement that "Luck bina discount k Nahi milta lakin bad luck bonus k sath milta hai". Something similar happened to that friend. Adulthood was hitting him so hard and at the very same time he fell in love with someone and everyone reading this might have experienced that when you truly love someone and if that's your first love, it is everything for you. So did he. He made her everything. He was so deeply in love with her that he forgot everything. He forgot what responsibilities were and he even forgot what family was to him. It sounds weird but it is true. And when the sweet love story comes to an END and when everything is taken away, obviously you will be out of your mind so did he. He became a victim of depression, which as we have already established, is not a good thing. It was the darkest part of his life. A girl whom he loved the most dumped him very badly. And as a result, to overcome this pain he was addicted to drugs and alcohol which now he realizes was a bad choice. It was just giving him short-term pleasure and harming the body for the long-term. He also consulted the psychiatrist and his parents were willing to do whatever it takes to help him fight and get his life back. But still, he was struggling and coping with life with no faith in himself and life. And then a person came into his life and changed everything. That person helped him to realize that he was never a looser and he had much more then he could offer. That person helped him like nothing else has ever done. And now when he looked back he feels like he was wasting his time in all the wrong things in life. 

Sometimes you don't really need any medication or any consultant but you just need a person with whom you feel good, whom you can trust and who is there for you in the hardest time and also with whom you can pour your heart out comfortably. Don't just choose the wrong thing and be addicted to short-term things that are harming your body in the long run. And if you just can't trust anyone then please let your parents know what you are going through and also if it doesn't work, consult a psychiatrist.

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