Sunday, 26 January 2020

Bring Out The Comrade

I am not the kind of person who keeps reviewing the movies and writes about it. But sometimes there are some movies which captivate me like I can't stop myself from sharing my views and adding up some kind of info into it so that it might help my readers and it might make some kind of impact on everyone around. This will be my second blog on movies and the first South Indian movie, "DEAR COMRADE". First of all special thanks to Bharat Kamma sir for writing and directing such a great movie. And also would like to congratulate you and all the other members who helped to make this a great movie.

Most of us watch movies for enjoying some kind of action, romance, thrills, and dramas. But some of the movies are not just limited to these things. Sometimes they give us a life long lesson. This movie "DEAR COMRADE" is a full combination of action, romance, thrills, dramas and also a life long lesson. For someone over there this movie might just be like recalling their unsuccessful relationship or for some, it might be an example of true friendship and love and many more readers, many more views and perspectives. So just leave this here.

The thing which captivated me the most about this movie was that why for the sake of this so-called society we should hide something which is not a thing to be forgiven and to kill one's dream. Sexual harassment is not a thing which can be forgiven just for the sake of this so-called society or just for the sake of one's pride in this society. One simply can't misuse their power and ruin someone's future and also every one of us who tries to stop them from expressing their emotions showing them a fear of the society and the pride of the family are also the ones to be equally blamed.  

We live in a society where instead of supporting someone we start judging them, we start talking about them and also we start making them feel guilty about the thing which they haven't done. We are not ready to hear the full story from both sides and we make judgments. I would love to share an experience that I and some NGO members (Behbood The Society) discussed a week ago. Our president shared a video and asked us if anyone is willing to have a discussion on that video. The video title was "DOES MARITAL RAPE TRULY EXIST"? In this video, the guy interacts with the people around and tries to know their views. It was shocking that most of the people were like we don't need any consent from our wives to have sex. And they say it is not marital rape. She is married to me so I have a right to have sex with her even if she doesn't have consent. This was really disgusting. Someone is not marrying you so that you can legally rape her. And even after if a wife can't tolerate her husband's pressure & decided to divorce, this so-called society will blame the wife and make her feel guilty about her decision which was not an easy decision for her to make. And in most cases, not only the society but even the family members tries to make her feel guilty about her decision. Why can't we just try to hear and understand the truth? Why do we give more importance to the people around us than ourselves? Why do we value our pride so much that we can let our child suffer throughout their life and let a criminal or a rapist or a marital rapist free and let them destroy other's life too?       

These things do exist in our societies as well. But due to fear of the society and also the fear of families pride, they can't open up their emotions, their pain and such activities keep growing because there is no one to support the victims or in most of the cases even the parents don't let their child express any kind of such cases for the sake of their pride in this so-called society. But guys the thing that actually matters is not what the society will think but what you think because do you want to live with that pain throughout your life and do you want others to suffer as well or you want to live freely without any guilt and live your passion and dream.

Everyone is a comrade from inside but they only feel it when someone harms their family or their loved ones. But why can't we feel it for a random person who is suffering in our neighborhood, in public transport, in public areas and most importantly for a person next to us?

Speak out loud your pain, your emotions. There are still some good human beings who can feel you and are ready to support you and fight for your justice. Greatness is not only when you help someone you know but it is when you help anyone randomly without expecting anything in return.

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Future Recruitment.

We are living in an era where the feature phones are replaced with smartphones, desktops with laptops, books with ebooks and such transformations are growing in every field. In this process of transformation, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is playing an important role in every field. Organizations these days are using new techniques for recruitment. The organizations now are more focused on advanced technologies for meeting the advancement in the world.

  • Use of AI.
  • Goodbye to Paper Resume.
  • Video Interviews.
  • Social Media.

Use of AI - AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It executes the tasks that are usually carried out by humans. It helps to scan the CV's of hundreds of candidates and selects according to the commands inputted into the software. It has reduced the work for the organizations and also has saved a lot of time in previewing the CV. It helps candidates in many ways like the chatbot are always there to answer you right when you need them and it never takes a day off which means its always ready to answer you. Also, AI removes biasness as many organizations recruiters make their own judgments which are sometimes based on their mood and they can reject the most deserving candidate just because of their mood, but AI never does this. 

Goodbye to Paper Resume - This is the thing which I too experienced as a part of my circular when I was in the 3rd semester of my bachelor's. We were supposed to make a video resume and submit it to the faculty. She made us do this because the new era is demanding such a kind thing for recruiting and so she wanted us to be ready for such changes. In a video resume, it helps the recruiter to identify a lot of things about the candidate like confidence, communicating skills and many more. It also reduces the copy-pasting of the resume and makes it interesting as well.

Video Interviews - Many companies, first of all, takes the online test and then select the candidates and then ask for the video interviews. Such companies are not located nearby which saves time and money for the company as well as the candidate as they should not wait in the long queue for the interview and also should not go to the other city just for the interview. 

Social Media - This is the most important factor which now influences job seekers job i.e. with the help of AI, the companies can monitor your behavior and what kind of posts you share which helps them to know your behavior and your area of interest and also helps to find whether you will be suitable for the job or not and also the apps like LinkedIn is playing an important role in recruiting.

These are few advancements that the companies are taking in order to recruit candidates in the coming time. Just be sure that your any social media post don't affect your job in the future and also be prepared and updated with the advancement in the recruitment process so that if you have to do any video interviews or if you have to make any video resume, you can do it like a pro and fit in the job.  


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