Monday, 25 November 2019

Don't Judge At a Glance.!!

Care for the ones who love you and pray for the ones who hate you. I forgot whose words were these but it's great. For the first time, I am writing things that I had to face most of the time and also you might have faced it too or might be facing it most of the time. 

Who the hell are we to judge someone's life just by seeing them or to talk about someone just by seeing them. It is very easy for us to talk about someone or to judge them just by seeing. DO WE REALLY THINK WE HAVE SOME NATURAL POWER TO FIND OUT SOMETHING JUST BY SEEING?  

Most of you might always hear why are you growing beard, long hair, or why are you not doing any job, or in case of girls why are you dieting, why were you late or where were you the other day or with whom. People keep asking me, are you trying to be a Muslim or are you being sainted just by seeing my growing beard but what's wrong is with you? What kind of mentality are you carrying? Do you even have any idea what are you talking about or where you are linking these things? Are you high? How can a person with a big beard become a Muslim or how can a person with a beard and long hair become a saint? I do think you must consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

I don't know what's wrong with the people around us? They have a full detail or they might know everything (as per their perspective and from their point of view) about their neighbor's child but are unaware of their own child. They might be judging or talking about their neighbor's child on his/her relationships, friends circle or whatever, but are unaware of their own child's relationships or friends circle and also they think their children are the most innocent kids in the world (maybe they might be innocent but it doesn't mean you should talk and judge someone from your perspective only and who knows when can time change and how will you tolerate the judges and the talks about your own child?) Not only in this case but in every situation and case, you should not judge anyone based on your perspective without knowing their condition because time is never on one's favor only, keep this in mind. 

Nobody is fully aware of what's going in one's life cause time is never constant and everyone's life keeps changing. Let me put an example of my own and how some people judge me on the same thing which happened almost 4/5 years ago. It's strange but as truth is always bitter so does the mentality of some people. I had a breakup or you can say my heart was broken back in 2015, but what some of my friends or some people believe that I haven't moved on and I am still the same boy who dedicates status or posts for her or that "Dhuki Atma" type just by seeing my growing beard or just by seeing me writing blogs. I don't know that are they in the 21st century or they are back in the 90's or '80s. One of my juniors once asked me why I am keeping my beard long, I just said I love keeping it long and he was like I don't believe you. I just know that people who had a breakup or are Dhuki Atma type keeps it long. I didn't say anything to him at that moment because debating and discussion should always be done with the wise man. 

This was an experience only but there are a lot of factors where people keep judging you. I was talking with one of my friends and I just loved a thing that she mentioned. Dating number of boys is not a bad thing. You are just dating, you are just interacting for the first time face to face with coffees or dinner and trying to know each other. And if you don't like them that's okay. But what some people do is they will judge you on the basis of a number of dates you did. But guys if you don't like a person it's literally okay to date the other person, it's not a bad thing until and unless you are not in a relationship or don't like anyone. 

And the most shocking thing to know will be that people will keep judging you even if you have achieved some good heights in life or even if you are doing great with life and even if you have created the history, they will never stop judging you or stop gossiping about you. IF YOU ARE DOING WRONG OR DOING NOTHING, OR EVEN IF YOU ARE DOING RIGHT OR DOING GREAT, THERE WILL BE SOME PEOPLE WHO WILL JUDGE YOU.! Because they don't have any stuff to do in their life.    

"The weaker you are the louder you bark." (-Tenten) Let them bark at you. There is nothing you can do about them because they are weaker and they don't have anything to do and also they don't know you and about your situation, so it's best not to explain anything with an unwise person and waste your time. Let them bark.!! AND PRAY FOR THEM.!!!

Sunday, 17 November 2019

World Day of Remembrance

A person who is born today has to die one or the other day, it's natural. But an unconditional death in any accidents are more painful than the natural death. There is a saying When death comes, nothing can stop it, but it doesn't mean we should be careless about our lives and the others and let a person die in a road accident thinking their death has come and I can't stop it instead of taking them to hospital. 

  • Every year 1.35 million die in a road accident in the world. 
  • 20-50 million are disabled or injured.
  • 8th leading cause of deaths.
  • 1st cause of death among children aged 5-14 and among young adults aged 15-29.
  • Death of 3% of cyclist, 23% of pedestrians and 28% of motorcyclists.

In context of Nepal in last five years (2013/18), road accidents had claimed 9,000 lives. 

These facts and rates of road accidents and deaths will keep increasing until  and unless the roads will not be maintained, drivers health, knowledge, skills, attitude and psychology will not be considered an important factor for road accidents and strict rules and regulations will not be implemented and applied efficiently.   

It is not that easy for a person or a family to lose their loved ones in any road accidents because road accidents are uncertain events in life which can even happen when you are fully aware but the next person was driving unconsciously. On The World Day of Remembrance, I would like to sympathize with the parents, family, and every individual who lose their loved ones in a road accident. Also would like to request each one of us to stay focused and drive, ride or walk properly because your life is not only yours, it is of your parents, family and every individual who loves you. Your life is precious to everyone who loves you. 

Normal speed meets every need. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Women Empowerment

"Educate a man and you educate an individual. Educate a woman and you educate a family". (-A. Cripps)
"Women Empowerment". What is women's empowerment? Before writing this blog, I asked a few of my female colleagues and also a few male colleagues about their perception on women empowerment. First of all, I would love to share their views and then I will be sharing my personal level of thoughts on this powerful topic.
  • Women Empowerment is not just about being independent or having knowledge; its something needed for the whole of mankind. One of my female colleagues gave me an example that if both husband and wife are working and when they are back home at night, why should only wife go to the kitchen and cook? As per her, until and unless this culture doesn't change, there is no women empowerment.

  • Many people think women's empowerment is a war that we are fighting against men in order to prove to them that we are superiors to them. But she(the other female colleague) believes women's empowerment is not a gender war as it is assumed to be. Empowerment is basically realizing that both men and women have their own strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and inborn propensities. Women empowerment is the process by which women empower each other. We start to stand up for each other and help each other. It is a way of saying to the world that women are equal to men and women are standing up for themselves.

  • According to one of my male friends, he thinks women should be trained and groomed then allowed to fight in open competition. The quota system is kind of unfair to the best for the job. Encouraging women with free coaching facilities might help them to participate. But there should not be any discrimination in any kind of competition or work, the best candidate should be selected. And in case of any physical competitions, it should be divided into criteria i.e. criteria for men and different criteria for women.

  • Women's empowerment is basically about promoting equality through equity. It is a known fact that patriarchy has been prominent throughout history. Due to the evolution of the concept of women empowerment women have received what is known as basic human rights and are stepping forth into the mainstream.

I would firstly like to thank these friends who shared their views on women's empowerment. I do agree with each one of them. Now I would love to add a few more personal views about women empowerment.

Women empowerment is the process of giving women equal rights. When I say giving them equal rights, I mean right to education, right to awareness, right to make their own choice, right to proper healthcare, sanitation, right to work, right to make a decision, right to equality and right to live freely. You might be shocked knowing that in some parts of the world, women don't have access to even basic things like water, healthcare, sanitation, and education. Education with awareness is the most important means of empowering women because most of the educated people are involved in violence without being aware of the real value of a woman.

We also have a proud history of women leaders from all works of life Anuradha Koirala to Pasang Lhamu Sherpa to Mother Teresa and Madam Curie. Their work makes us believe that the world is full of possibilities. A world where women have equal opportunities and the world that is better not just for women but for everyone. I guess every individual reading this, will definitely agree with me when I say that women don't need any kind of favor or help from male counterparts or reservation from the government. They are strong, intelligent and capable enough to achieve from life whatever they want, the way they want. What they actually need is genuine love and support from male counterparts. If empowerment is done in the right way, it will not only help Women, it will help the whole of mankind.

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