Thursday, 30 July 2020

When Together, What Matters?

I had a conversation with one of my friends after a long time. Ya literally a long time. After 12th I guess today we genuinely talked (like not just replying in stories or leaving a happy birthday wish and many more wishes like that). So it's been 4/5 years since we hadn't talked. I will not be sharing my experience how I feel but I am going to share a few important things I noticed in his talks and also will share what made me write about those things and why I am sharing this all with you.

Firstly, I should feel lucky that he shared his relationship issue with me and that's how we talked today ha-ha might be funny but it's like a friend in need is a friend indeed I guess. So when I say about relationship issues many of you can relate this and can make a good impact on your relationship after giving it a read. You might be aware of a few things or almost everything that I am going to write about, but why I want each one of you to read this completely is because sometimes we just need to hear or read someone else's words or stories to apply things we already knew. Happy Reading.


Things that he mentioned and I find them important are as follows:-

  • Expectations in a Relationship: - The best part of our conversation was discussing this part. He was like we are not all Buddha to not expect anything from our loved ones or nor I will go and sit under a tree neither will be enlightened 😂 as I have to do many things right now. He expected something from his partner and that's common in a relationship. Everyone expects to be loved, cared the same way he/she is giving it and it's okay. Though I keep saying we should not expect anything as it will only hurt you but keeping expectations is a nature in this material world. It's hard not to expect anything in return from our loved ones in this material world as expecting more than enough will end-up hurting you, but it's possible to have no expectation as well. Though it's a hard core process, you need a lot of patience, self-control, emotional control and self-realization but it's possible. So still I say if possible don't expect anything, just keep doing your part, if you are in a relationship keep doing the part of a partner, if you are in a company keep doing the part of an employee and much more but it's a hard-core process. And it's all up to you. That was just a suggestion.


  • Priority: - It's not about how busy you are, it's all about what and whom you prioritize. In a relationship priorities play an important role for a succession and a failure. Even in this time when everything is almost closed if your partner tries to prioritize something even more than you and keep ignoring you for weeks (read this again, just don't judge me by reading the first sentence), then it definitely hurts you right? Ya it's their choice to prioritize whatever they want but treating their partner like a pendulum & not making things clear is not good I guess. If you prioritize your partner then even in the busiest schedule you can leave them a text or a call but again priority matters. What I want to suggest in this part is even if you prioritize something more than your partner, that's totally okay but at least you should let your partner know about the priority you are focusing on and make things clear. CLARITY & UNDERSTANDING IS A FOUNDATION OF A RELATIONSHIP.

  • Keeping Self-Respect & Ego Aside: - In most of the cases one of the partners has to go through a war between their mind & heart i.e. mind says if someone ignores you continuously, then don't disturb them by texting or making calls because your self-respect also has some-respect and their heart says hmm you can give one more try and keep your self-respect & ego aside. And as always their heart wins and they let their self-respect aside even more than what their partner deserves. And this is the story of many relationships. In this part I want to say truth is bitter, it's hard to accept the truth but it's better to accept it as soon as possible and try to move on(ya I know it's easy to say but do you have any other options? NO?, SO KEEP MOVING ON). Accept the facts and keep moving.

So these were a few things we discussed for an hour. And he knows every what to do and what not to do things that I wrote here but as I mentioned at the beginning of the blog that sometimes we just need to hear from someone to feel better and to apply these things. Now I wish everything is fine with him and his relationship issue is solved. I want to add a few more things before I end-up this.

  • Value the word RELATIONSHIP.
  • Acting childish is cute in a relationship but you should understand when to act maturely.
  • Don't be in a relationship to overcome your past or to overcome your loneliness.
  • It's hard to have a strong relationship with a weak foundation.
  • Don't judge your partner at a glance.
  • Long-distance relationships are not an easy thing. It requires a lot of patience, trust and understanding. So just don't take any decision without understanding the situation. 
  • Single misunderstanding can make a relationship hell out of heaven. And everyone prefers HEAVEN I GUESS.


Never make a decision in anger, and never make a promise in happiness.!!

Friday, 17 July 2020

What Happens After DEATH?

Talking about scientific reasons you can go through [] this link and have proper knowledge of it. And talking about human-generated reasons and society there are a lot of things that take place after somebody dies. I will be sharing a few things that I have experienced theoretically as I can't experience it practically & then share my experiences. I hope after giving it a read many unanswered questions, topics, discussions, confessions might be answered, discussed & confessed respectively so that there will be no regret for the future. Happy reading.

There is a famous quote "People only care after you are dead", I exactly don't remember who quoted this but this thing is greater than it appears. We develop a tendency of not valuing something we have at the moment and then regretting when it's gone. It can be anything time, people, moments, anything. Just a very fresh example can be in this time of the pandemic where a few things that needed to be valued are our health & the time we have. But only a few of us are able to value 
these things and use them in a better manner. Even the Government of many countries have failed to value things that needed to be valued the most in this time of crisis.

How does the society react to the death of somebody they might have known? Let me quote a few statements below that we usually hear after one somebody's death:-
  • He/she was such a great person.
  • You will be missed forever.
  • He/she leaves us too early.
  • You leave a lot of memories behind.
  • Accepting the reality you are no more with us is quite hard for us, & many such things.

And at the moment someone dies we are so unreal that I wonder we are the same person who ignored their calls, texts when they were with us when they needed us the most and then we act as if it really matters.!!

We are like coins. Firstly we won't even care for someone's existence, their greatness, loyalty, caring nature, and on the other side, we will be expressing our sympathy when someone is gone forever. Can't we change sympathy over empathy? 

I have a humble request to each one of you who has made this long read to be kind and humble to everyone you meet. If you miss someone just say it. If you really have great memories with someone express it. If you really care for someone's existence do let them know it. If they really matter to you keep checking on them because it's better to express it to the person's living soul than to their graves. It's better to live with no regret than to have regret throughout your life.

Well each one of us is well aware of these things. But we are not able to work on it. It can be sometimes an ego that doesn't allow us to express ourselves but don't you think regret is greater than ego?

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