Saturday, 11 April 2020

This Too Shall Pass

"If your good time can be changed into a bad time, then how can you expect your bad time to stay forever with you."

I hope the title is well clear to understand what the blog is gonna be like. Stay home, stay safe.

The COVID-19 has spread all over the world and has made us lock ourselves at home and forced us to have social distancing which is essential for us, as it will not allow the virus to spread & harm humankind anymore. This is quite a hard time for every one of us and every one of us should come together ( that doesn't mean to have a gatheringšŸ¤£šŸ¤£, but to work together and support each other i.e. by staying at home and by following social distancing) to fight this pandemic and as everyone is well known about an "African Proverb, If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together", so in this pandemic, we don't want to lose our lives but wants to go far and live long and that's only possible when we go together. Let's follow the lockdown, let's keep social distancing & let's fight this together to go far.

In the past decades, the world has gone through several pandemics which caused a lot of deaths and damaged humankind but then everything came to normal. It is hard for us to believe that everything will come to normal 
because our generation hasn't experienced any such pandemic till now. To make a bit clear sense that THIS TOO SHALL PASS, let's have a look over a few examples of disasters that we have seen.

Amazon Rainforest Fire;- Amazon rainforest which is considered as the lungs of the planet, generating 20% of the world's oxygen & 10% of the world's known biodiversity, was burning at a rate not seen in almost a decade, the fires raged through villages, destroyed ecosystems & pumped climate-warming pollution into the atmosphere. But after sometimes, the fire was in control, everything was normal than that of at the time of the fire.

Australia Bushfires;- Dozens of fires erupted in New South Wales, Australia, prompting the government to declare a state of emergency in November 2019. Fires rapidly spread across all states to become some of the most devastating on record. The fires have killed people and destroyed some 2,500 homes. An estimated 1.25 billion animals have been lost. And thousands of people's lives were disrupted but then the rains helped and everything was going back to normal.

2015 NEPAL EARTHQUAKE;- Most of the Nepalese reading this right now must have the 2015 Nepal Earthquake fresh in your minds. You must still remember the pain and the suffering you had during that time. A magnitude of 7.8 struck Nepal on April 25, 2015, the quake was followed by hundreds of aftershocks, and only 17 days later, there was another major quake, a magnitude 7.3 temblor. Thirty-nine districts with a population of 8 million people were affected, hundreds of thousands of people lost everything and faced extreme poverty, more than 600,000 homes were destroyed and more than 288,000 were damaged and was a really hard & challenging time for we Nepalese, but we fought together and then after a few times, everything was going back to normal and if we see today and make a comparison, then we are going in a good pace. 

I am not trying to compare this pandemic COVID-19 with these above examples, but what I am trying to do is to show, to make you feel that this pandemic too shall pass. We should not be worried about the outcome after this pandemic as everything will be back to normal or maybe better than normal like it happened in the past.

With faster communication, the risk of panic is high as the misinformation about the virus is spreading at the same pace as the virus. 
But one should remind themselves that if you are going through a bad time, it is for sure you will go through a good time sooner. If there is a possibility of something negative, there is a possibility of something positive as well.

Spread positivity, positive vibes rather than the negativity, panic and the infodemic of misinformation.


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