Friday, 20 March 2020

COVID-19 & Our Role

We are always ready to do the things that are said not to be done & then we regret later and realize. The perfect example can be of Italy, where citizens even after being warned about the outbreak of CoronaVirus didn't take things seriously and went against the things that were said not to be done and now they are regretting their decisions. The best part is that Italy's citizens have learned from their mistakes & realized their mistakes and now are telling the world not to repeat the same mistake as it will be a regretful decision in the near future.

Realization is of two types:-
  • Primary Realization
  • Secondary Realization

Primary Realization:- It can also be called as self-realization. This type of realization is quite a long-lasting one. Let me clear this with an example. Suppose, I was told by many not to trust & not to give importance and time to everyone around because not everyone deserves my time & importance and I should invest time on myself but I was like, "no, it's okay, they deserve it" and I didn't listen to them. And now I realized that "ah, they were right" and now I will not be trusting, giving time & importance to everyone around and will be focusing on myself more. This kind of realization is the primary realization or self-realization i.e. first I experienced and then I realized I was wrong & I learnt a lesson. In most of the cases, self-realization might be necessary, but not always.

Secondary Realization:- It is a kind of realization where one realizes things said by others i.e. let's take the same example as above. Suppose, I was told by many not to trust & not to give importance and time to everyone around because not everyone deserves my time & importance. And considering their views, suggestions, & experiences I started focusing on myself and I didn't give time & importance to everyone around. So, as a result, I am with myself more and I focused on those who really deserve my time & importance. But this type of realization sometimes might not be the long-lasting one, as I haven't experienced the things in real and I am just considering the views and ideas of others. But sometimes the secondary- realization is better than the primary realization.

Now let's relate these realizations with the CoronaVirus outbreak especially in Italy. Italy, despite of secondary advice (i.e. secondary realization - WHO warned everyone about the outbreak of CoronaVirus and how it can be transferred), they chose to be serious about it and we can see the effect of that choice. That's why I mentioned sometimes the secondary-realization is better than the primary realization and sometimes the primary realization is a regretful choice.

Italy has realized their choice and now wants every one of us to learn and follow through the secondary realization in this pandemic. It is not necessary, if you or people in your surroundings are not affected, it can be considered safe, The necessary & important thing is
  • How you start taking care of yourself and the people around you. 
  • How you support the government by staying at home and implementing the social-distancing.
  • To avoid rumors.
  • To stop black marketing.
  • To follow the precautions given by WHO.
  • To make yourself clean.
  • Avoid large gatherings.

Also, I would like to share the precautions given by WHO

Prevention is always better than cure. Stay safe, stay healthy. Getting offices, colleges & schools closed down is not a vacation leave. Don't take things in the wrong way. Everyone is responsible, so everyone should work as a team and fight this pandemic. 
Staying at home doesn't mean you don't have anything to do or you can't help people around you. You can help a lot of people around you just by sharing necessary posts, making awareness TikTok videos,  sharing authorized and real news.
And you can invest time in yourself staying at home in this lockdown by reading books, meditating, spending time with families, creating meaningful contents and many more.

You can't go and make a positive case into negative, but you can reduce the number of positive cases around yourself. Stay safe, stay healthy.

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