Sunday, 4 November 2018

Attachment and Detachment in Life

Though there are only four letters in “LIFE” but it in itself has a huge meaning. A life is a duration from the day we came into this world and till the date, we leave this world or we also can say the existence of an individual human being or animal.  We come to know about a lot of things in this duration. We experience many things, which help us to learn more about people's thinking, their living style or their life.
In this manner, there is a lot of attachment and detachment in our daily life. So what are the attachment and detachment in life that we should go for or follow? It is very important for us to identify them and to apply in our daily life.

An attachment means when we are attached to a particular thing that makes us happy or satisfy us but in the long-term leads to anger, sadness and so on( in most of the cases), whereas a detachment means when we are separated from a particular thing that is bad for us and help us to gain long-term happiness( not applied for all and in all cases).
Attachment and detachment differ from person to person or we can also say that it differs from mentality to mentality. For someone attaching towards something bad can be good for them, whereas for someone detaching from something good can be bad because everyone is having a different perspective towards viewing a particular situation. 

We are attached not only to people but to almost everything. Anger, jealousy, sadness, greed, selfishness, and arrogance are the results of attachment. We become angry because we are so attached to being right and being perfect. And that's where we get wrong. We don't understand that we can be wrong and others can be right. And that's the main cause of detachments whereas when someone calls us right when someone understands our insecurities we get attached to that person, and here life goes. 

See as I had mentioned in the above para, attaching towards a particular thing can make us happy or satisfy us but in the long-term leads to many difficulties, this is something similar to the law of marginal utility .i.e. "when we consume more and more unit of the same product, the marginal utility goes on diminishing. In most of the cases, the attachment is similar to the law of marginal utility, i.e. when we are attached to something, the satisfaction level is on top for some duration but when time passes, the satisfaction level goes on decreasing and which may lead to the separation from that particular thing. So we can also say that attachment and detachment are interrelated, where there is an attachment, there will be a detachment in near future.

Some of the exceptions of attachment and detachment are:-

  1.  Family
  2.  Positive thinking
  3. Social awareness
  4. Self-less sacrifices in service of others
  5. Books.

So the above-mentioned things are the exceptions of attachment because when we are attached to the family, positive thinking, social awareness, self-less sacrifices in service of others and books and so on, we will surely be happy and satisfied one day in future.
And similarly, when we are detached from the above-mentioned things, they won't lead to long-term happiness and satisfaction, so we should attach these things in our life for gaining happiness and success.

But when we are attached to drugs, negative energy or negative thinking, mobile/electronic devices and so on, they will provide us the pleasure for a short duration but will lead to many difficulties in the near future, so these things should be detached from life.

So finally I would like to conclude this blog here only by saying that life is all about ups and downs, uncertainties, good days, bad days, but we should be aware of what things we should attach and what are the things that we should detach from our life to make a successful and happy life.

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