Saturday, 2 June 2018

Physical Abuse

The most trending crime in today's time "Physical Abuse". It is any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person or animal by way of bodily contact. The process of forcefully harming the other person is physical abuse. In most cases children are the victims of physical abuse but adults can also be victims as in cases of domestic violence or workplace aggression.

Physical abuse can involve any of the following violent acts:-
1. Scratching or biting
2. Pushing or shoving
3. Slapping
4. Kicking
5. Throwing things
6. Force feeding or denying you food
7. Using weapons or objects that could hurt you
8. Physically restraining you
9. Other acts that hurt or threaten you.

Abuser will often blame someone else, as victim for saying or doing something that caused their violent behaviour or might say their behaviour was a result of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs or feeling stressed or frustrated.

Physical abuse may bring immediate harm to someone, but it's effect can also be long lasting. A person who has experienced physical abuse, especially in childhood, may be more likely to experience emotional and psychological difficulties later in life. The support of a therapist or other mental health professionals can often help an individual to recover from those effects. And the victims should be able to express his/her pain to respective parents or closest person to them so that we can help them and the family and others should believe them and support them.

Children are often more likely to experience abuse at the hands of a parent, caretaker, or sibling, while an adult might be physically abused by a spouse, partner, or significant other. But in many countries and many other places some of the violent are considered valid i.e they are not a part of physical abuse. But also the abuses like using weapons and objects that could hurt you, physically restraining you, other act that hurt or threaten you, bodily contact with someone forcefully is still a CRIME and we can raise voice for these crimes.

Things need to be remembered:-
1. Their violent behaviour is always their responsibility, not yours.
2. Abuse is never okay or justifiable.
3. Whatever they say, their violence is never acceptable.

So being a responsible person, whenever we see any kind of such violence, we should stop it or in case we are unable to do so individually, we can call public for help and rescue. One small step from our side can save the life of the others. Our small effort can boost up the power, energy and the level of confidence of the victim to fight against the abuser. Helping others in their difficulties can help them to increase their confidence level and they can easily come out of it and live their further life peacefully. We should not backoff from helping others..


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