Saturday, 6 January 2018


One of my friend suggested me to write something about depression..
Depression is a mental disorders characterized by depressed mood or loss of interest in activities. A depressed person is one who wants to be alone, far away form society in their own man-made world. They just over think about things.
Depression is caused by over thinking, stressful life, breakups, lack of job, lack of happiness. These are some of the causes of depression according to my short study. A person who is over thinking a small incidents of his/her past life or present may be depressed because he/she is not able to move on from those incidents and they are just thinking it again and again which is making them weak and sad as well..
And also not only because of past and present but depression may also be seen in those peoples who have no aim in there life, who are living without destination..
Stressful life and lack of happiness may make any individual depressed easily. Happiness is one of the most important part of human life. The person who is unable to create a stress free life, he/she will be thinking about the stresses and problems of their life and a time will come when they can be depressed.
Breakups and lack of job. When a person is unable to move on from his/her breakup, he/she shall be thinking about it whole day and night. They are just evolving around their past memories and promises which doesn't let them to move on and which can create a situation of depression.
People having no job have a lot to problems and pressure from their family and society. At this stage they are just wanting a job. If they are unable to find any, they have to listen a lot form the outsiders and in this situation they are stressed and can be depressed.
So these were some causes how someone can be depressed. Now some solutions for it.
As I mentioned in my second blog about the power of our subconscious mind, our subconscious mind plays a vital role in life. If we are taking our stressful life, breakups, lack of happiness and job positively, we will be able to stay away from depression. For an example, if we take our stressful life positively i.e a day will come when we will be having a stress-free life, we can avoid depression. Same is in other cases as well...
Depression can cause death as well.
So stay positive. Let your subconscious mind be positive and avoid depression by positivity..

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